Finding his Brother

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We were packing up the truck, starting on our quest to find Morro' s brother. I woke up leaning on his shoulder, I got up before he woke up so he wouldn't  see me. I don't want to say it but Morro was a really good pillow. I was finishing Cole's back braces, because my dumbass didn't think of that. I was also watching Lloyd because the others there packing up. "Jay are you done?" Lloyd asked missing with his wraps over his cut.

"No not yet, Lloyd don't mess with your wrap" I said being almost done. I stopped and looked at the others packing. Morro and Kai were doing most of the work because they were only ones of us not hurt at all. Cole was packing some bags and Zane was taking down are one surviving tent. He had limp but he was fine from what I could see. Nya was in the truck still blacked out, I hope she is ok. She was only thing I have close to sister. I went back to work and finished it. Now if is works Cole should be able to walk again. I put one arm Lloyd helping walk and put the brace in the back of the truck. We were all packed up and know getting in the truck. Kai and Lloyd were sitting in the front, Zane was sitting next to Nya and I was sitting on Cole's lap. Morro was driving, he's really go at driving though rough terrain. That all he gets, I still don't trust him. He's hiding something, he must have put me on his shoulder. It makes me uncomfortable. He seem to like Cole a lot, maybe they became close friend while in the tent at the camp. 

Before the killings started , my parents were always the type to treat 'abnormal' thing every badly. One of my earliest memories are of the anti- pride protest. Even thought we were abnormal, they wanted me to live the most normal life I could. That's all I ever known and that what I still believe. I would leave if anyone of them turned out to be a fag. But Cole is like a older brother to me, I would know if he was.

I was brought out of thought when we ran over a tree. I fell off Cole's lap and got squished between the front seat and Cole's legs. They all started to laugh, I did too when I got back on Cole's lap. While we were laughing at make jokes we heard a voice we thought he wouldn't hear for while. "What's so funny?" 

Sorry short chapter and for being gone. I had school. But I'm back I hope to update more often.

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