Chapter 16

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*TW: Slight violence and descriptions of gore.*

The blinding ray's of the sun sliding through the flap of her tent is what awoke her. Not the playful shrieks emitted by the teens who didn't wake her up, or the annoyed grunts Lucario gave. She stepped out of the tent, watching Hop and Hau having a battle, while Serena and Gloria were swapping performance ideas.

She stretched and walked over to the stove, grabbing the items to prepare breakfast. After a few moments, the smell of cooking sausages and bacon wafted over the area. The group was quickly over at the make-shift table, talking loudly and excitedly, pokemon bouncing around. Lucario assisted her in carrying plates over to the table and handing out pokemon food.

    Uila watches them, as the group talks animatedly, and Hau plops himself next to Uila. "So Uila, what is it like living here?" He asks, and Uila smiles to herself. "It's calm and peaceful. Even with the events of the Darkest Day and those idiots Swordward and Shieldward, it's nice. While I miss the warm sun of Alola, or the beautiful countryside in Kalos, I feel like I belong here." She turns to her brother. "I didn't feel like I belonged in Alola. It was like a puzzle piece that didn't fit quite right."

    Hau gives a smile. "I guess that makes sense. Oh! I wanted to tell you about some stuff from Alola! Lillie's mother stopped being so crazy after we saved her from this Wormhole, but Guzma is overly attached and stole some pokemon from her. And now, us students are assigned to find the Ultra Beasts and return them, as well as returning any Ultra Beasts who happen to wander to Alola." He spoke energetically, and Hop perked up. "Ultra Beasts? They sound super cool! I want to study one in person."

    Hau grinned. "Then you should come over to Alola some time. Speaking of Uila, do you think you could one day visit?" Uila grins, placing a hand to his head. "You can count on it. I don't know when, but I'll be sure to do so." He gives a happy grin. "Sweet! Anyway, you need to show us how to do a Raid!" She laughs. "Alright, then I'll show you one of my favorite spots in all of the wild area. Guaranteed to find some cool pokemon."

    The pack up was easy, with Lucario, once again like the neat freak he secretly is, cleaning up the camp before Uila could say anything. She deadpanned at the sight of her tent and cooking supplied stowed away neatly in the depths of her bag.

She gave an exasperated sigh before shaking her head. "I just don't understand you sometimes." Lucario gave a grumble before elbowing her in the side.

    She pulled her bag on and walked over to the group, a smile planted on her face. They begin their short trek to the lake of outrage, chatting idly. About half-way through their walk the hairs on Uila's neck raise, and warning bells begin blaring loudly in her head.

She stops, looking around her, eyes scanning the area thoroughly. She spots a figure in the sky and grits her teeth. "Kids." The group looked at her confused, finding a serious expression on her face.. "Behind me. Now." Her voice was low, eyes not moving from the figure in the sky.

    They follow her instructions, watching as a figure on a large bird lands to the ground not far in front of them. Uila's eyes narrowed. "What do you want, Guzma?" She growled out, and Guzma laughed. "I think you know darling. I want you back in Alola and by my side, where you belong." Uila grit her teeth.

    "Don't be like that dear. I can promise you that you will be perfectly happy by my side. The grunts miss you, and Plumeria as well." "I will never be happy by your side." She spat, fists clenching by her sides. "But you won't know until you come back."

"I don't think so." She grabbed a pokeball and released several pokemon. "Boltund, Manectric, run to Hammerlocke and get Raihan. Corviknight, Dragapult, Garchomp, get the kids to safety." The pokemon nod, Corviknight and Dragapult moving the group of teens away.

    Uila snarls animalistically. "You're a fool to think that I would ever go back with you." He laughs, a crazed look on his face. "I reckon not dear, not when you find out what is going to happen to your beloved 'boyfriend' if you don't."

Uila grins. "You clearly haven't done your research. Raihan is one of the strongest people in Galar, if not the world. He was second to Leon, and is now tied with him for the second strongest. I wouldn't put him out so easily. I also know about your manipulation tactics. They worked once, but they never will again."

    Guzma snarled. His plan hadn't worked, and now, the one he wanted was no longer broken and so willing to bend to his will. He watched as she straightened, pulling her long hair into a ponytail and sending out a pokemon. Lucario growled, Key Stone glimmering in the light, and a light blue sphere forming in-between his paws.

"Are we going to have a problem Guzma?" Her voice was smooth and low, undertones of threat echoing within the phrase.. He huffed, shifting on the back of Braviary. "I guess we will, 'cause I'm the dreaded boss who beats you down and doesn't let up." Golisopod let out a low grumble. "Lucario Aura Sphere!" "First Impression." Lucario hit Golisopod head on, meeting with first impression easily.

A loud explosion rang out through the field. "Don't let up Lucario! Close combat!" Lucario's fists lit up a pale blue, and precise strikes hit the Hard Scale Pokemon, and Golisopod feld back into his pokeball, dragging Scizor out. "Scizor! Night slash at the brats."  Uila's eyes widened, and she jumped in front of the attack, gaining a large scratch across her back.

Her back stung, and she felt warm blood seep into the white cloth of her shirt. Her eyes hardened. "Lucario, Aura Sphere on Scizor." Lucario nodded, infuriated at the injury of his trainer, hitting the Pincer Pokemon hard enough to K.O. Guzma grit his teeth, noting the infuriated pokemon and Uila as he returned Scizor.

"You will come back to Alola, if it is the last thing I do." He spat.  jamming his heels into the bird pokemon, who took into the sky.

    Uila let out a shaky breath once he vanished from sight, ignoring the sharp pain in her back. She nodded to her pokemon, who let the kids scramble back over. Hau quickly ran over to his sister. "

Please don't send us away when that happens!" He begged. Uila sighed. "I'll try, but in times like that, you guys are my top priority. Now, how about we make us some lunch." The group of teens nodded slowly, and Uila smiled. "Perfect."

    She grabs her bag from the floor, a loud thump sounding as Flygon hit the ground, Boltund and Manectric appearing in a flash right behind. "Are you alright?" He asked as he slid off of Flygon, noting how tense her pokemon were. She took a deep breath. "We are fine now, why don't you join us for lunch?"

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