Chapter 2

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Uila snuggled closer to the warmth radiating in front of her, taking a deep breath of his campfire scent and relaxing. Raihan's arms moved tighter around her even in his sleep, causing her to smile drowsily. After the Chaos that was yesterday and the argument that Mila and Jona (Her parents) tried to start over dinner, it was nice to be able to relax. Unfortunately that relaxation had to be broken by a knock at the door announcing breakfast. Sycamore and Kukui were staying at their house, as it was literally right next door to the kids but they could get a break from them and their chaos before the trip.

Raihan's eyes opened sleepily, and a small smile grew on his face. "Good morning love." Uila turned a light pink, she still wasn't quite used to his morning voice. "Good Morning." She laid there a moment before she decided she wanted to get up, but Raihan just held her tighter. "Raihan..." He pulled her closer, so that their foreheads were touching and they were chest-to-chest. "You are not leaving until I get a kiss." She felt her cheeks heat up but gave him a quick kiss regardless. "Better?"

He hums in thought before connecting their lips once more. Uila was quick to return it, tangling her hands into his hair messily. The kiss was passionate, and she could feel the love for her radiating off of him like a beacon. When they broke, her face burned and she hid her face in his neck, resulting in a light chuckle from her lover. "Don't just kiss me out of nowhere." She felt a kiss on her neck. "I don't know, you are awfully cute right now. I might just have to." He was messing with her, she knew it, but it didn't stop her face from going 2 shades darker.

Raihan loved to see her so flustered. It not only inflated his ego, it made her seem so much cuter. She tried to put on a tough exterior around others, but he knew all it took was one passionate kiss for her to turn into a flustered putty in his hands. He gave her a kiss to the cheek before sliding out of bed.

Uila rolls out of bed, grabbing a change of clothes and heading into the bathroom to change. While they were incredibly close as a couple, they hadn't gone far enough for her to be comfortable changing in front of him. That would definitely be a while, and according to Raihan it was perfectly fine. He understood boundaries and didn't push them. Today's outfit consisted of a yellow shirt, a black bikers jacket, a pair of black ripped jeans and combat boots. After changing she applied her usual makeup, eyeliner, and lipstick with her traditional golden band down the center of her bottom lip. She sets it down so that it wouldn't come up later on and headed down to breakfast.

During breakfast, Kukui and Sycamore would not stop comparing Z-Power to Mega Evolution. What caught their eyes was Uila's new Dynamax Band. "When did you get that?" Sycamore asked, pointing at the band after cleaning up. Uila looked to her right wrist, noting the red X that stood out. "Hop gave it to me while I was giving him the details. Sonia is giving him the trip for him to gather wishing stars and take samples from dens." Uila grabs her belt and clips it on, returning all the pokemon except for Lucario, and slides on her fingerless gloves. "We need to be heading to grab the kids. We need to check-in at Motostoke and prepare for the Exhibition match to kick off the season."

They make their way next door with plenty of breakfast to supply the residents. They eat quickly, excited for the traveling and exploring they would be doing that day. "Alright everyone, today we are going to be heading to Motostoke. You guys can register for the gym challenge, but Raihan and I need to prepare some league stuff. We'll get you guys introduced to your guides and then you guys can explore Motostoke. It's a pretty cool city." Everyone seemed excited, well, minus Mila and Jona, but she could really care less. Hau came up to her. "Can I introduce you to my friends?" She nodded, looking over to Raihan who was talking to the professors in a hushed voice. "Raihan, I'll be right back!" He looked over and nodded. "Alright, introduce me."

Hau dragged her over to his friends and introduced them. There were the girls, Mallow, Lillie, and Lana, and the boys, Kiawe, and Sophocles. Surprisingly, they were all trial captains, minus Lillie, who was Professor Kukui's assistant. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Uila Naga, as you all know, and I am this squirts older sister." Hau looked at her and pouted. "Who are you calling squirt?" "You obviously." He huffed. "Well sorry I'm not an exeggutor." Uila did a mock gasp. "You wound me so!" They laughed for a bit before it was time to go.

Love Like Lightning (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now