Chapter 3

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-It's a little short but whateva-

Uila glanced into the mirror, raising a brow at her appearance. Her hair was styled into a fancy-looking bun, eyes surrounded by gold and yellows and a black lipstick To top it all off she was forced into a tight dress that barely went down to her thighs. She looked over at the other two, slightly concerned. "So, you are wanting me to battle, in a short, tight, low-cut, black dress and thigh-high boots." Melony's eyes lit up. "Yes!" Uila shakes her head. "Yeah, no. I'll wear the jersey, my hoodie, and shorts." Melony and Nessa then proceed to pout, and Bea pokes her head in. "Hey is everything fine- Oh Uila are you alright?" Uila gives a tight smile, squeezing her legs together uncomfortably. "Uh yeah, can you help me get out of here? I would like a pair of pants and a comfortable shirt." Nessa's head pops up. "Come on, we weren't that bad..."

Bea rolls her eyes. "Alright Uila, come on. Raihan has your bag, it was dropped when the girls grabbed you." Bea grabs Uila's wrist, pulling her out of the room before the girls had the chance to protest. Uila shot her a grateful look. "That was torturous. I hardly wear any makeup, now I'm covered in it." Bea nods, huffing. "Those girls need to realize that not all girls are extra." They make their way to the common room and instantly all eyes are on her. She freezes and her face heats up. Gordie drooled and Milo turned away embarrassedly. She crossed her arms embarrassedly. "Can you not stare? I just need my bag so I can change." She then noticed a frozen Raihan, who was coming out from the kitchen and bleeding from the nose. She felt her face grow hotter and Bea returned with her bag.

"Let's get you changed and that makeup off." Uila nods, tapping her foot anxiously and follows Bea to the bathroom. Bea rummages around for a moment before handing Uila some makeup remover. Uila washed her face quickly, relishing in the relief her pores felt. "Can I get your clothes out? It'll make it a little quicker." Bea asked, not wanting to get into Uila's bag without her permission. Uila scrubbed at the stubborn lipstick before speaking. "Yeah sure, they should be in the backwards pocket." She heard shuffling as she finally got the lipstick off, finishing her face. Bea handed her the clothing, smiling softly. "Sorry about them, they are a little excited over having a female champion. There hasn't been one in the history of Galar, you're the first." Uila blinks. "Wow, that's shocking." Bea nodded. "Every Generation the champions grew stronger, which made it more difficult for people in general."

After putting her normal makeup on and changing into her Champion uniform she made her way back to the common room. She just sits there awkwardly until Leon, late as ever, bursts through the door. "Sorry guys, went the wrong way and ended up at Turffield." Uila smiles before laughing lightly. "Of course you would get lost." Leon humped. "Whatever, what did I miss?" Uila felt the heat returning to her face, and Bea was quick to tell him not to worry. Uila gave an awkward smile and Nessa grinned slyly, holding up her phone with a picture of the champion wearing the outfit. Uila tackled the Water-Type leader, red faced, and grabbed at her phone. Nessa cackled. "No need to fret darling, it's already been sent to those who need it." She winked and Uila's face burned brighter. "Why!?" In another corner of the room Raihan choked at the picture Nessa sent him, turning a bright red.

Leon just took in the scene with a smile next to Kabu. "Isn't this a lively bunch." Bede huffed. "Lively isn't the word I would use to describe it." Marnie paled as she saw Melony approaching her. "Oh hell naw." She hid behind Bede protectively, and he paled noticing the glint in the woman's eyes. Bede looked behind him. "Why would you hide behind me! Go hide behind Leon!"

Piers entered the building to visit his sister, but immediately noticed the new champion wrestling with Nessa over a phone, a red-faced Raihan, and Bede and Marnie running from Melony. He dragged a hand down his face. "Gods help us all." He then proceeded to leave the building. "I don't have the energy to deal with that mess, now or ever."

Love Like Lightning (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant