Someone to you: Songfic

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I was feeling emotional and wanted to give you guys a little back story on Uila.

This chapter contains Physica and Mental Abuse, Bullying, and mentions Sexual Assault.
Please do not read if any of these things may trigger you.
Young Uila hugged herself tighter, blinking away the tears and leaning away from the other kids, who were mocking her for not getting a pokemon. She flinched violently as one kid raised a hand to her, who then mocked her for flinching. "You are so pathetic. Why don't you just go and end it all freak?" "I don't want to die or fade away." She could barely mutter the words before she ran off, sliding down the side of an old barn, tears flowing freely down her face. "I just wanna be someone. I just wanna be someone." She couldn't stop the sobs from racking her body. "Hey, are you alright?" She tensed. "Go away." She muttered. "Why? You seem upset." The boy clearly sounded confused. "Because you are just going to mock me like everyone else." There was a pause. "What are you doing here then?" She hesitated before responding. "I just want to dive and disappear without a trace." She turned to the boy, who looked at her shocked. "I just want to be someone." She looked down. "Doesn't everyone?" The boy replied, holding out a hand. "Come on I'm sure Kahuna Hala will be able to help." Uila grabbed his hand. "I'm Uila." The boy grinned in response. "Kukui."

She bounced from foot to foot excitedly, Riolu and Electrike wriggling in their pokeballs excitedly. Hala stood before her, three pokeballs in hand. "Choose your starter, then you can officially begin your Island challenge." She pondered intensely. "I choose Litten." Kukui grinned. "I choose Rowlet." Guzma grunted. "I guess that means I am left with Popplio." Uila restrained a blush as the young boy gazed at her. Hala coughed. "Now, your first Trial will be with Iima. Best get there quickly." Uila grinned, following after the two boys who dashed off excitedly. 'And if you feel the great dividing, I wanna be the one you're guiding,'Cause I believe that you could lead the way...'

Uila ran up to her parents, excited to show them the two new Z-Crystals she had gotten. "Mom! Dad! Look! I completed my first Island and Grand Trial!" Her father scoffed. "That's not impressive, even I got that far and I am no longer a pokemon trainer. Come show us when you complete all of the island challenges, which you probably won't be able to since you are so pathetically weak." She flinched and her father slammed his beer bottle down on the table. "Now get out, go be a bother to someone else." She felt tears well up in her eyes before darting out of the house. She didn't notice where she was running as tears made her vision blurry. 'I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone.'

She gripped the straps on her bag tighter, determination burning brightly in her eyes. "I am here for the Grand challenge of Akala island." Olivia hummed. "You should probably just go back to your family kid, I don't want to see your face when you lose." Uila's expression darkened. "I never had nobody and no road home." Olivia's eyes widened in shock as tears began to run down the girls face, meeting the girls teary eyes. "I wanna be somebody to someone."

She leaned into Guzma, who had his arms wrapped around her. 'And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold, then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall. I really need somebody to call my own, I wanna be somebody to someone.'

She cried out at the slap she received. "Why was it you that made it farther than me! You aren't supposed to do better than me!" Guzma shouted at her angrily. "The least you could have done is not continue and make me feel worse!" 'Someone to you.'

She sat proudly on the Champion's throne, her pokeballs wriggling energetically and a green-haired baby giggling in her lap. "I don't even need to change the world, I'll make the moon shine just for your view, I'll make the starlight circle the room." She wriggled her fingers in front of her little brother's face. Hau just grabbed her fingers and giggled loudly."And if you feel like night is falling, I wanna be the one you're calling, 'Cause I believe that you could lead the way." Guzma came sauntering into the room and Uila looked up, pulling her brother closer to her and staring at him. "Yes?" Guzma grinned. "Hey doll, I was wondering if you could loan Team Skull some more money?" She rolled her eyes. "Guzma, no. I am not going to continue to endorse your group, as champion and a person with morals I refuse." He growled, moving closer to her. Lucario growled in a warning that Guzma took no heed to, walking over and smacking Uila across the face before grabbing her face tightly. "Listen here doll, you are going to do that. If you can fund your parent's cruises you can make a small donation for me right? Or do I need to teach you easy things?" Uila glared at him, to which he chuckled. "Looks like I need to teach you some manners as well. Good girlfriends don't refuse or glare." Her eyes filled with tears as he roughly dragged her to a seperate room, pinning her to the wall. "Guzma stop." His eyes were full of anger. "You deserve this doll, this is your punishment for being disrespectful."

Uila dried her tears, waiting for Oricorio to return so they could get on the flight. She gave Kukui one last hug. "Thank you Kukui, for everything." He nodded and rubbed her back. "I should be thanking you Uila, you have been the best friend a guy could have, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be a professor and be dating my girlfriend. I'm going to miss you." She restrained her sobs, pulling away as Oricorio returned. Kukui grabbed her hands. "You be careful in Kalos alright? Be sure to call me when you get there." She smiled. "I will Kukui, you be sure to keep Alola in good shape until Hau gets old enough to take over your title." He chuckled. "I will." She then turned, waving and boarding the plane, not looking back, settling into her seat. She felt her heart hurt as Melemele grew smaller. 'I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone. I never had nobody and no road home, I wanna be somebody to someone.'

She laughed loudly as Garchomp carried her across Augustine's lab. Augustine watched with a smile as the short-haired girl smiled for the first time since he had known her. She stepped forward wobbly, dizzy from the spinning. Sycamore grew concerned at the suddenly sad look in her eyes. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask, but is everything alright?" She took a deep breath and sighed, shaking her head. "Alola wasn't the kindest to me." His expression softened as she ran a hand through her hair. "And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold, then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall, I really need somebody to call my own. I wanna be somebody to someone." She felt tears crawling to her eyes, her parents coming to mind. 'Someone to you...'

She snarled angrily, kicking the wall of the tower in frustration. "I just want to get out of here! I am starting to go insane!" Malva rolled her eyes. "If it bothers you that much you shouldn't be here." Siebold glared at her. "Hey! That's incredibly rude." Wikstrom shrugged. "If she doesn't like it, she can always quit. She's fulfilled the time requirement." Uilas face lit up. "Wikstrom you're a genius!" He looked taken aback. "Me?" She nodded. "I can get out of here and have a chance to explore at the same time!" She scrambled at the opportunity, Diantha smiling and agreeing to let her go. Before she knew it, she was on a flight to Galar, excitement coursing through her body.

Uila stood proudly, holding her fist in the air as Leon proclaimed her as champion. She grinned, turning her head to her boyfriend, who had his arms crossed and a gentle smile on his face. 'The kingdom come, the rise, the fall, the setting sun above it all.' She shot him a wink. 'I just wanna be somebody to you.'

She curled into his chest, arms draped securely around her waist.She took a deep breath of his campfire scent and smiled as he gave her forehead a kiss. "Good morning princess. How did you sleep?" She gave him a sleepy smile. "Amazingly as always." He chuckled and kiss her nose. "That's good to hear. Now, we need to get up, we have the Gym Leader Battle Royale today, as well as a surprise." She nodded. "Hey Raihan?" He looked at her, a smile on his face. "Not long ago I was lost and upset. I had a broken record playing in my head." His eyebrows furrowed. She took a breath. "I just want to be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone." She looked down at her hands, fiddling with them lightly before looking up to meet his eyes. "I never had nobody and no road home, I want to be somebody to someone." Raihan pulled her close, nuzzling her nose against his. "You are definitely someone, you are someone to me."

She waved to the crowds of Galar after she shook Raihan's hand, walking to her respective place on the pitch. 'And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold, then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall, I really need somebody to call my own, I wanna be somebody to someone.' The match ended quickly, and she met Raihan in the middle. She smiled and waved as she was announced the winner, quickly noticing the gasp coming from the crowd. Cheers erupted and she smiled confusedly, turning around to look at Raihan. He smiled up at her from on one knee, ring held in between his calloused fingers. Her eyes widened and she almost fell to the ground, tears coming to her eyes. "Uila Naga, will you do me the honor of allowing me to be your Dragon King?" She nodded, not trusting her words and he slid the ring onto her finger. The moment he was up she tackled him into a hug and kiss.

She smiled at the man across from her as a Kukui tied a rope across their hands. "With this knot, you two are eternally bound to each other, through sickness and health, life and death." Augustine held back his tears. "We are happy to announce you two husband and wife." Raihan wastes no time in pulling his wife into a kiss. 'Someone to you.'

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