Chapter 12

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I just wanted to say that I don't actually hate Guzma, I feel like he deserves more love.
In this story I made him an asshole for a reason.
Just keep that in mind and know I don't actually dislike him, just the stupid ass path he took.

The following morning, Uila started blankly at Kukui, who was fussing over her like the mother hen he was. "Do you need more pain meds? Water? Are you hungry?" She felt her patience beginning to thin, and her eyes twitched. "Kukui." He paused. "Yes?" "Shut the ever loving fuck up. I am fine, they are making sure there is no internal damage from being kicked in the gut, then I will be out." Sycamore and Raihan just watched amusedly. The kids were at the vault, Hop telling them about the Darkest day and the recent events.

She rubbed her temples. "I don't have enough caffeine for this." "Uila, you are in the hospital, you don't have any caffeine." She looked at her older-brother figure dead in the eyes. "I know that jack-ass." Augustine shrugged, sipping on a drink lightly. Uila's eyes narrowed. "That better not be coffee Augustine or I swear to the gods I will murder you and deform your body so badly they will not be able to recognize it." He paled and set the drink down on the table next to him and Raihan laughed. "We'll get you some coffee once you get released. They should be coming any time soon to give us the results on everything, then we'll be good to go. Leon is gathering the Gym Leaders for a meeting after you get released, this is not something that should be overlooked." She groaned. "Fine, as long as I can get some caffeine and a shower beforehand. I'm pretty sure I look like literal shit and smell like it too." Seconds after she spoke, a nurse accompanied by a doctor entered the room, smiles on their faces.

"Well Champion, it seems like the most you'll have is some bruising and pain in the nose. Nothing else seems to have broken and nothing looks bad, although we ask if you start feeling dizzy or begin to excrete blood that you come to us immediately. Other than that you are free to go." Uila practically jumped out of the bed, scrambling to get her shoes on as the doctor and nurse left, giving Raihan a prescription for some painkillers. "Come on you fuckers, I have coffee to get and a meeting to sit through." She bolted out of the door faster than the 3 males could comprehend. "We should probably go after her." Augustine pointed out. "You think?"

By the time they had caught up with Uila, she had gotten home, started the coffee pot, and showered. The hand-shaped bruise on her neck was on full display as Uila tied her wet hair into a bun, her hair partially covering her black eye. It hurt Raihan to see the bruises on her, knowing that if he had been a little faster he could have helped out somehow, and she wouldn't be as hurt.

Uila guzzled the coffee greedily, ignoring the slight burn in the back of her throat and she sighed contentedly. Kukui just stared concerned about how she managed to down an entire pot of coffee in seconds. They just sat in silence before Uila checked her phone. "So, when and where is the meeting?" Raihan looked at his phone. "It's in Wyndon at 10:00. It's 9:15 now." UIla jumped up. Well, I've got to get dressed then. We leave in 15 minutes, have a Taxi ready Raihan." He gave a lazy salute.

"Got it dear." She chuckled and made her way to the room, picking out a black turtleneck with long sleeves as it was starting to get into the winter months. She pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and slid on a pair of combat boots she was given after the whole Team Flare incident in Kalos. She clipped on her belt and pulled on her gloves, giving herself a check in the mirror. Aside from the bruises across her face she looked presentable. She touched the bruises gently. It did not make her look any more attractive than she already was, not that she thought she was attractive to begin with. She snapped out of it, making her way to the door, swinging open and walking down the hallway. She found the kids gathered in the living room. Hau's eyes widened at the sight of her bruises scattered from her jaw to her nose and the blackened eye. He tackled her in a hug and she smiled softly, petting his head in a soothing manner. The rest of the class stared at the bruises that scattered the champions face. They had no clue just how violent Team Skull could get, and they hoped to never find out.


Uila ignored the look on the gym leader's faces as she strolled into the meeting room. "Listen up fuckers, this shit with Guzma just got real. I don't know if you heard, you probably should have been told by leon, but in the event he was Monkey-Braining, I'll give you the long-and-short of it." Leon shriveled away from her look and smiled sheepishly. "A few months ago, my shitty-ass ex decided to call me up and inform me that he was coming to take me back to Alola." Melony's eyes widened. "He was part of the reason I had left Alola, but that's besides the point. At the time it was a minor threat against a Gym Challenger, now, it's an ordered attack against a champion. Yesterday at around 12:30, Guzma had 8 of his fighters come to kidnap me. Unfortunately for them, Raihan makes it a habit to look up at me during his battles and see me choked against the glass. I managed to fight them off, but not unscathed."

A few nodded and she took this as a sign to continue. She placed her hands on the table, a serious expression on her face that they had never seen before. "Listen, it is not just me at stake, he knows how to manipulate. If he can do it successfully to me, a person with a really shitty past, he can do it to just about anyone." She took a breath, meeting each of their eyes individually. "I need each and every one of you to help me out in this by watching out for anything suspicious. It's likely they've ditched their Alolan attie but they'll keep a few things the same." She pulled out a holographic screen, enlarging 3 images. "The grunts will likely have this chain with the skull on it. I don't know if they'll have the bandana's but if they do report it to me or officer Jenny." She enlarged another photo. "Admin will have a skull tattoo somewhere on their body. Keep an eye out for a woman with pink and yellow hair. I have no clue if Guzma had changed up his ranks any since I last saw him, but Plumeria is likely to still be with him." She looked at them. "Any questions?" Leon raised his hand. "Yes Leon?" He took an anxious breath, looking her dead in the eyes.

"I think i know where they are."

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