Chapter 18

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*So sorry for the wait, it's been hectic with my family these past few months. Enjoy!~*


Uila let out a happy cheer as the group walked up the stairs to Hammerlocke. The rest of the week was uneventful but fun. The days were spent relaxing, battling, swimming, or exploring. Hau was talking to Hop about the Pokemon School, and Sophocles and Clemont were comparing inventions and varying ideas regarding new inventions. Bonnie talked excitedly to Lillie, Dedenne perched on the younger girls shoulder happily.

Uila looked around the city warmly. It was crazy to think that just under a year ago, she was sleeping in a hotel and stressing about minor things. Now, she was happily a champion, had a loving boyfriend and a lot of new friendships made and old ones rekindled. She glanced over to her brother once again. She was happy to have reconnected with her brother. He gave a bright smile and she gave a soft one in return.

    She walked them to the vaults, cheerily discussing theories with Clemont and Hop, before heading home herself. Her face was lit up in a cheery smile, and she felt relaxed as she waved to the excited passerby's. Maybe the week out was truly what she needed. 

As soon as she unlocked the door she let out a laugh as a few pokemon tackled her to the floor, babbling excitedly. "Hey you guys!" She spoke between laughter, sitting up and messily cradling Applin in her hands. "How have you been?" She stands up with a somewhat sense of grace, walking in through the door before making sure the pokemon were in and shutting it, shutting the deadbolt behind her.

She assumed Raihan was out as his primary team members were not present and his set of key's weren't by the door. She released her team out of their pokeballs and made her way to the kitchen, determined to make a nice lunch for herself and Raihan, whenever he got home. She opened the pantry door and grinned, grabbing a box of mac & cheese. "Oh hell yeah." She grabbed a saucepan and began heating up the water to boil. She heard the door unlock and gave a cheery greeting, not looking up from her phone.

"Hey babe, I wasn't expecting you back this early." A deep voice she had committed to her memory spoke up. She looked up, bright yellow eyes meeting a striking blue. She allowed a smile onto her face. "I'm just full of surprises, aren't I? Lunch will be ready soon." He groaned holding up a plastic bag. "I was gonna make something for ya, you just beat me to it. Dinner it is." She snorted. "Alright pretty boy, how was the rest of the week?" He hummed, setting the bag on the counter before placing his arms on the counter on either side of her, resting his forehead against her own. "I missed you quite a bit, it was very uneventful without you around."

She smirked, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "Awe, I'm sorry babe. I'm sure it wasn't too bad though." Raihan bit back a grin. "It's better now that you're here. Now, are you going to hurry up and kiss me or what." Uila laughed. "I'm sorry my Dragon Prince, I forget how needy you can get." Raihan just grunted, and Uila snickered to herself before pressing her lips to his.

Just like the first time, it was just as intoxicating, the feeling of his hands on her hips, and the small growl he gave at the feeling of her submitting and relaxing. Uila only pulled back after hearing the timer beep, indicating the noodles were done. She moved to take care of the noodles, only to be pulled back by Raihan. "Rai, come on. Let me finish lunch and then we can cuddle all the rest of the day." A low grumbled came out of his throat, and Uila sighed. "I promise Rai. Now let me go please." After a few moments of finishing up lunch, the pair were cuddled up on the couch.

She shoved down the molten cheese and noodle mixture faster than was probably necessary, earning herself a concerned look from her boyfriend. "What?" He chuckled. "Nothing, I forget how much you enjoy mac & cheese." She flushes. "Oh shut it. How did the day out with Leon go?" He shrugged. "About as well as it could with someone who always seems to be getting lost. Anyways, what do you think about a trip to the Isle of Armor here soon?" Uila hums, stabbing at a noodle. "Sounds fun. I'm always up for exploring."

He grins. "Perfect. We'll head out after the Battle Royale." She returns the grin, matching it with one of her own. "Can't wait! How was the battle tower? Did you enjoy yourself?" He set his bowl on the table, wrapping an arm around Uila and pulling her close to him. "Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Would have been better knowing you were there, but I still enjoyed myself." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and Uila laughed. "Alright you Dork, you are being very affectionate. What's up."

He grumbled. "Nothing, I just missed you." She laughs. "Alright, but it wasn't that long, and I'm back. So calm down love." He huffs, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. "I can't doll, that's the thing. I can't keep you off of my mind. I am utterly heads-over-heels for you." Uila flushed a deep red, complying with Raihan's gentle tugging onto his lap.

"You are my everything Uila. I don't know how I function without you."  His eyes locked with hers, emotion shining brightly in them. She smiles softly, not breaking the eye contact between them. "I don't really know how to respond to that..." She says softly, reaching a hand up to cup her Boyfriend's face. He returns the gesture, a soft smile gracing his features. "You don't need to." With that, he pulls her close, connecting their lips once more.

"I love you, Uila. You're the greatest treasure in Galar, and the plus to it all, is that you're all mine." Uila loops her arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss, smirking softly when she hears him let out a low rumble of contentedness, eagerly returning and taking over, pinning her to the couch. When they separate, Uila smiles softly as she runs a hand through Raihan's hair. "I love you so much Rai, and I know I have my dragon prince to look after me. After All, he is one of the greatest dragon trainers in Galar."

Raihan let out a possessive growl, meeting their lips in a battle of passion once again.

Love Like Lightning (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now