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Uila walked around the vibrant city of Hammerlocke, waving at the people who ran up to her. After becoming champion, the cities she traveled to seemed to always glow more, be more beautiful. She shook her head. She was supposed to be running errands and getting groceries for Dinner that night with Sycamore and his 4 students, but she was admiring the city. She smiled as she thought of the kids. They were really, most around Hop's age. The youngest being Bonnie and the oldest being Clemont, the 13 year old scientist. Bonnie was Clemont's sister. Then there was Serena, an aspiring Performer,of whom she gave plenty of tips to. Last came Ash, who resembled Hop and wanted to be a pokemon Master. He was certainly energetic and itching for a battle. They were staying in the numerous rooms in the vault, for some reason there were rooms there.

Over the past months, she and Raihan grew closer, especially since having a break from the gym season. It was almost his birthday, and she wanted to make something. She stepped into the Art Store, taking a deep breath of familiarity, grabbing a canvas and some paint. Marina, the store owner, smiled as she rang the items up. "Another stress project?" Uila laughed and shook her head. "No, not this time. It's a gift." Marina smiled, handing the bag over to the champion. "Well, then, good luck." Uila nodded. "Thanks Marina, I'll see you soon." She headed back to the house, immediately receiving a chaste kiss. She smiled sweetly at her lover. "Well hello to you too." He pressed his forehead gently against hers, smiling, eyes warm and full of love. "I wanted to be a little different today." She kissed his nose, watching as it crinkled slightly. "That's sweet of you."

He grinned slyly, kissing her forehead before helping her set the items on the counter. "You know what else is sweet?" She asked absentmindedly as she began sorting through the groceries. Raihan rolled his eyes playfully, helping her set the ingredients onto the counter. "What dear?" "Chocolate Cake."Those two words were enough to have his eyes light up like a kid on christmas. "Really?" She laughed at his expression. "Yes Raihan, it's for tomorrow though. I want to be welcoming to the Alolan's, especially my parents." He rolls his eyes. "1. Your parents aren't going to do crap while I am here. 2. It doesn't matter if it is for tomorrow, as long as I get some." He slides his arms around her waist, nuzzling softly into her neck. "You'll get plenty, don't worry." She says, shuffling various ingredients around the counter. He nodded and kissed her neck softly, feeling her face grow warm. "Raihan? What are you doing?" He moves his head away from her neck, smiling slyly at her. "You smell good and are warm, plus your skin is soft." He nuzzles her neck again, eliciting a sigh from the stressed champion. "Raihan, I need to cook dinner. I don't have time for this." She rubs her temples, to which he hums softly. "If I help you cook can we cuddle?" She huffs and gives in. "Only if we get dinner finished before everyone arrives 45 minutes." He nods, kissing under her jaw before straightening. "Consider it done.'' She rolls her eyes and sets out the ingredients. He watches her carefully as she gives him the instructions for the beef curry, while she prepares the sides.

27 minutes later, curry was left to stay warm and rice was steaming away in the rice cooker. Raihan let a sly grin creep onto his face before he scooped his girlfriend into his chest, prompting a startled squeak to make its way out of her throat. He plops down on the couch, pulling his Girlfriend into his chest and locking his arms around her. Raihan traced small patterns on Uila's stomach with his thumbs, wanting to help her relax. He worried about all of the stress that was hitting her mind, her becoming champion, helping out Augustine and his students, and then the Alolan kids and her parents as well.

A sharp knock at the door snapped him out of his thoughts, and he let Uila up, her being visibly more relaxed. He smiled, glad that she seemed better. He watched her smile grow wide as Bonnie barged in quickly, wanting to eat the food that wasn't even on the table yet. Clemont chased after him loudly, causing Serena to chastise him with an angry finger. She then turned and apologized, to which Uila laughed. Raihan caught Augustines eye, who nodded before he turned his gaze back to the love of his life. She looked absolutely gorgeous when she was smiling, and every time she laughed he swore he fell for her all over again.

She caught him staring and sent him a wink, before turning back to Bonnie. His face turned a light pink. It was confirmed, he was head-over-heels in love with this woman. He smiled softly, recalling their previous dates. He was madly in love, but he was perfectly fine with that.

Love Like Lightning (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now