I Love You and I Always Will

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I lay there in the darkness and cold, eyes staring straight ahead. My body was curled up into a ball trying to keep myself warm. The freezing concrete floor underneath did the exact opposite of help. To be honest, I was fine with being cold. It was exactly how my heart felt right now. All that was running through my head was images of my sisters, my mom and my girlfriends. One minute they are smiling and laughing and the next they are torn apart and dead just like those fans had been. Here one second and gone the next. My heart let out a yelp of pain as the images kept flashing. I wanted to take my mind off of it, to think of anything else such as who is this Hayley girl? We don’t know anything about her. All I could think about however is how I couldn’t convince Eleanor to come with us on tour. If she had just taken her exams a couple weeks earlier she could have accompanied us and been here with me now.  I could have my arm wrapped around her, shielding her from the danger out there. Zayn had Perrie and Liam had Danielle and all I had to hug was my knees. My fucking knees. I hadn’t let out a single tear but on the inside I had let out millions. I knew how to be strong but this was just too much to handle. Most of the people I love could be lying torn apart in a gutter. I shook my head from this thought. No matter how impossible it is, I need to think positive. Why can’t I be as optimistic as Niall? Lucky bastard, always thinking on the bright side. I took a deep breath. I needed to calm down, it was early in the morning and I was already having these thoughts.  

“Hey buddy. You awake? I saw you moving a bit,” the familiar Irish voice belonging to the optimistic lucky bastard whispered as he tapped my shoulder. It took a while to find my voice, but finally I found it somewhere long lost in my body.

“Yea I’m up. How are you?” I responded as I turned over to face him. I needed to take my mind off everything and he’s always good at that.

“I’m pretty good considering ya know…everything. I had a dream about the chicken from Nandos. Man I would die for some right now,” Niall cheerily replied. I cringed at the word die, but managed to keep my composure.

“Aw man that would be awesome or craic,” I said winking at him, using his special word ‘craic’.

“Dude you don’t even use the word right. Come on get wit it,” I laughed at how ghetto the last part of his response sounded. Sometimes the way Niall tried to talk was just funny itself. “I’ve been missing that Tommo smile. I’m glad to bring it back,” I realized how up the corners of my mouth were and just that made me smile. I had missed my smile myself. Niall was one my best mates just cause he could always turn every situation upside down. I couldn’t help myself as I gave him a hug and let a sole tear slide down my face. He gave me one of his famous hugs back and suddenly I wasn’t worried about everything back home. I mean if all of us had survived, they all had to be alright. I wiped the tear and pulled away.

“Thanks Nialler. I needed a laugh,” I told him with a smile.

“Anytime mate,” he replied mirroring my smile. He walked away to go talk to Liam and Danielle who had just woken up. I sat there leaving a slight smile on my face until everyone woke up. Before long we were all up and ready to leave. Paul’s only instructions were to keep driving north.

4 hours later we were still cramped up in the car driving along the mostly deserted road. My mind had been pretty clear for most of the ride except for occasionally drifting to the what if’s but I quickly pushed it away. Maybe I could actually survive this.

“Paul, next rest stop I’m pulling over. There’s only so long you can be alert for,” Hailey announced from the driver’s seat.

“Alright Harry, we’ll pull over for a brief second for you and Hailey to switch spots so you’ll drive and Hailey will get a break,” Paul replied looking at Hailey and Harry. Hailey’s head whipped so fast towards Paul.

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