Back On The Tour Bus

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            I pulled Danielle in closer to me and I didn’t want to let her go. She was the most comforting thing I had right now. Her head was on my chest practically asleep. I didn’t understand how she could be so calm but I sure was glad she was. I had to do everything to keep from shaking right now. I was still trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. Thankfully we had driven away pretty quickly, so we didn’t see very much. The thing is we didn’t know what had happened to anyone else such as the band, our stylists, our bodyguards (besides Paul) and our management. We couldn’t get a hold of anyone on our phones. Sometimes they wouldn’t pick up and sometimes service was impossible to get because telephone poles had crashed down. At least we knew Danielle and Perrie were safe. They had been too tired to go outside so they had decided to sit inside the bus and wait for our meet and greet to be over. Once they heard the screaming, they were about to get off the bus to go check it out when we all ran in ordering them to go sit back down as Paul drove away and we explained the whole story to them. I’m still not completely sure they believe us but they seem to be going along with it.

I had my arms around Danielle and Zayn and Perrie had reciprocated this. Zayn and Perrie seemed to be pretty calm, they had even fallen asleep, but then again I looked calm on the outside. Niall was sitting all by himself eating. It was impossible to tell whether he was eating from nerves though since he always eats. Harry has spent the last hour and half comforting Louis about Eleanor. She was still back in university in England and once again we couldn’t reach her just like everybody else. I think seeing the other two couples just made him think about her too much.

“Don’t worry Louis. There’s probably not even any zombies in England. I bet she’s out with some friends having fun. We will hear from her soon. There’s really no need to worry.” I heard Harry say for the millionth time. Honestly we had no clue what was going on in the rest of the world. We had no connection to anything. All we could do is sit here and hope that it was a one-time thing only in San Francisco. It’s kind of ridiculous to think that there were zombies outside attacking people and we are just sitting here in a tour bus driving to…to… I didn’t even know where he was taking us.

“Paul, where exactly are we heading?” I said quietly so as to not disturb anyone sleeping.

“We’re heading in one direction,” Niall answered without hesitation. It was a little joke on tour we had. Whenever someone asked, “where are we going?” you had to answer with “one direction”. It was an accidental pun that Harry had made that turned into an inside joke and now it was just a habit.

“I’m glad we can still have some humor right now, “ Paul chuckled as he look straight forward at the road since he was driving, “Boys it is a very long story as to where we are going. I’m not sure if you even want to hear it. I will tell you though that we are going to Canada.” Louis, Harry and Niall’s ears were all perked up now listening.

“I think we are all interested in this story,” Harry spoke.

“I mean I personally would like to know what the hell is going on but maybe that’s just me,” Louis added sarcastically. You can always count on some sarcasm from Louis. Paul let out a little laugh at what Louis said. How was he so calm?

“Alright boys get in closer if you want to hear the story,” Paul told us. Niall, Harry and Louis stood up and walked over to the couch closest to Paul. I slowly lifted Danielle’s sleeping head from my chest as I stood up. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and set her head down on the couch. I walked over to the boys and sat next to Niall. “Before I begin, I just was to make sure you guys will tell this to the sleeping people because I am not going to repeat myself.” We all nodded in agreement. Paul took a deep breath and began his tale.

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