Trust is Fickle

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            Sinking my feet into the sand, my eyes glaze over the sea. The sun shines down on my skin bronzing it even more. I lean my head back in pure relaxation. There’s no way this day could be even more perfect. I see Liam running over to me with a smile on his face and I look at him with happy anticipation. Frisbees are thrown behind him while little kids skip towards the ocean to get enough water for the moat around their sandcastle. Liam is just feet away from me when he opens his mouth to speak. Instead of hearing his sweet deep voice, a scream escapes. The scream doesn’t just stop, however, it keeps going and soon people are collapsing from the deafly screech. The beautiful blue sky transforms into grey indicating an imminent storm. I stare blankly around me. Liam’s voice shifts to yelling Danielle repeatedly. My mind spins; what happened to my gorgeous beach day? My cheek starts to sting and melt into a pile of goo at the same time. The whole world is collapsing around me and I can’t do anything. My body doesn’t let me move. I am powerless. The earth shakes and then it all fades away.

            I find myself in a forest surrounded by panicking boys and a girl. I feel my cheek and sigh in relief that it’s still there along with my ability to move.

            “I’m sorry. Did I slap you too hard?” Liam asks, his eyes growing wide with worry. I look up into his eyes and fall into his arms. I’m happy to hear his voice rather than those screams in my dreams. All I need is Liam, a normal Liam. “Danielle, I’m so sorry! I apologize for slapping you but you wouldn’t wake up!”

            A tear fills my eye from my laughter. “Liam babe, I don’t even care about the slap. I just had a nightmare, that’s all,”

            “Oh thank god. Not to make your nightmare come to life but we really have to get going. A zombie just attacked. We shot him down but we gotta get moving,” The words leave Liam’s mouth and I immediately stand up reaching for my gun. I will get through this. No one will bring me down, no matter what. “Babe, he’s gone now. Don’t worry,” Liam smoothes out the wrinkles on my forehead with his thumb. I smile up at him and then give his lips an impatient look. Our lips magnetically begin to pull together when something in my peripheral vision catches my eye. I spin around, aiming my gun at a bush. I narrow my eyes at the thick black hair peering out of the edge of the bush and cock my gun. Steadying my gun, I count myself down till fire.

            “Danielle, don’t shoot!” Paul warns, running towards my ready hands.

            “Why not?” I answer with more of an angry comeback than a question.

            “We can’t see who that is. Let’s not kill unless someone attacks,”

            “Oh yea, great plan. Wait till another one of us dies and then we get to kill him. If we don’t get him now, we’re all going to end up dead,” I stay staring straight ahead at the still black hair. I can’t see anymore of his body but I just know it’s the ugly, threatening green color. It’s just waiting there, waiting for us to turn our back so it can attack and one of us can fall down and never get back up. No way am I allowing that to happen. I squint an eye to get a better aim on my target but something blocks my view. “Move Paul,” I demand but my view remains obstructed. Not a word comes from his lips, just the annoying silence as I wait to save all of us. I finally stand up for myself and I’m not even allowed to. “Look, I am done with this. Do you hear me? I’m ready to get going and I don’t need this fuck following us waiting to kill us all. Just let me get rid of it and we can move on,”

            “Repeat your last sentence,” I stare at Paul with confusion. What the hell is he doing? He waits for me to follow his command.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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