Paul's Story

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            Niall, Liam, Louis and I sat on the red couch patiently staring at Paul, waiting for him to begin his story.  He continued to look straightforward at the road as he began to tell his tale.

            “It all started a long time ago around the time when I was in college. I had a best mate named Tom. We were in a sense kind of nerds, but not the typical get super good grade nerds but more of the kind that were really into sci-fi and things like that. We loved Doctor Who. We came across a new obsession at one point and that obsession happened to be zombies. We made zombie apocalypse plans, pretended to fight zombies and I mean we were actually running around like little 7 year olds fighting imaginary zombies. We got really into the zombie stuff. As I grew up, I moved onto do other things which ended up with me being your bodyguard, but Tom never really got out of his obsession. He moved to Canada not too far from Edmonton and continued to do research and prepare for zombies. We sort of lost touch but we still have those bi-yearly phone calls on each other’s birthdays. Lately we have been talking a bit more though.

Tom has met many other people and fascinated them with all of his predictions and research on zombies. These people live all around the world and they have grown into being just as prepared as Tom. Of course they are not as obsessed as Tom, but they all follow the news closely and keep in contact with Tom just in case anything was to happen. As Tom grew up he needed an actual job and he became a scientist and he is actually extremely smart, but that’s beside the point. As he grew up more he realized that a person rising up from the dead was nearly impossible but a person getting a disease that takes over the brain and causes the person to pretty much become a zombie is very possible. Since he has access to labs, he has done a massive amount of research on this. He has just been experimenting with different bacteria and finally figured out how the disease could happen. This was about a month ago and he had called me with the exciting news. Since he knew this, he could begin to work on a cure so it would already be there if the disease happens to appear. Unfortunately he spared nature a job and made the disease for nature. Now here’s where everything went awry.

            He kept the disease well locked up but one day he came to work and it was gone. It had been in a small container like other bacteria’s are kept. He looked everywhere and eventually came to the conclusion a co-worker had accidentally taken it on a business trip confusing it with some other bacteria. His work has been sending lots of employees on a business trips lately all over the world. He has no idea where it went but that if it gets out, something very bad could happen. You see he still has not figured out the cure. He then called me again panicking. He and I have talked almost every day about this deciding what to do. He had to tell his co-workers about this, but none of them know what happened and he was almost fired but he does such an outstanding job that there was no way his work would fire him. So all in all it could have gone anywhere and it could have gone in the trash can or found its way onto an unsuspecting victim. Tom and I have both been very watchful of the news and people lately but nothing has occurred until a few hours ago when the zombies became directioners.

            So now, we are going up to Tom in Canada. In his early stage of his obsession, he made a shelter, which included a small lab. It has weapons, tons of food, beds and so on. There is enough there for about 15 people. I don’t know if zombies have reached Canada yet or where they have reached. I don’t even know how fast this disease spreads or how it spreads but I’m hoping Tom can help and hopefully his cure is almost there. We do have to make a quick stop and pick up a girl whose parents have already escaped a couple weeks ago as they are friends of Toms as well, but they couldn’t take her with them at the moment. Her name is Ha—“ Paul was cut off by a zombie suddenly hitting our window. Paul’s emotion immediately changed to completely serious and fearless. He looked like he was in a war and extremely prepared to fight. He put the windshield wipers on the fastest they go and the zombie slid right off. Outside people were in red-alert-panic. I looked out the window and saw zombies crawling all over our tour bus. There were so many! To think that these are just regular people who happened to get infected with a disease.  

“What is going on?” You could hear Zayn and Perrie shout as they finally woke up and ran towards the windows.

“Hold on boys!” Paul said before swerving to the side of the highway and pushing the gas as fast it would go. The zombies peeled off, as they could not hold on, I mean they were only human. We sped down the side of the highway eventually getting away from the zombies and gliding along next to the cars that had no idea of what was going on behind them and what was in store for them. I wanted to warn them so badly but I knew Paul had a mission and you can’t stop Paul when he’s on a mission. We continued to go down the side of the highway listening to the many honks at our crazy driving. 

(A/N) Hey so PLLEAASEEE comment so I know what you think. I would really like some feedback :) So One Direction and Haley will meet super soon and then the story will pick up. There's just a lot of background that needs to be done.

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