Where Are There Not Zombies?

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            I reached the first stoplight and realized I had no idea where I was going. M parents had taken a vacation to Italy, which I was supposed to join them on when school ended. I’m not so sure that will be happening now. Even though no one was home, I decided to go there anyways. Maybe the best thing is to be alone. Who know who else is a zombie? This thought scared me. How long had this zombie thing been going on? I hadn’t heard any news about this, but then again I didn’t watch the news or read the newspaper. I got all my news from Twitter or Facebook. There was always those people who had to post what was going on in the world in a status. To be honest I was thankful for these people. Because of them, I don’t look like an ignorant idiot oblivious of the world around me.

            I was nearing my house. I lived in a ginormous neighborhood. The higher up you get in the neighborhood, the bigger and more expensive the houses became. Since my family was a bit on the richer side, my house was one of the ones at the top with a ton of land. My house was the only way people ever figured out my family had quite a bit of money. I wore just a regular shirt and jeans with the occasional skirt or dress, nothing fancy at all. I never wore anything designer and if I owned any, it was pushed to the back of my closet. Luckily I had my mom’s maiden name, Winters, as my last name so no one ever related ‘Moore Productions’ to me. I stayed as far away from my dad’s famous production company as possible. When I was younger, I loved going with him to work and meeting tons of celebrities but it gets boring after a while and soon I didn’t want any part of it. It seems as if it has always been this way and that the way I was as a child never happened. It’s just how my family works.

            Not only did we live high up, but we also lived on a big hill. I have lived here for as long as I can remember. Because of this, I knew every possible entrance/exit in the neighborhood. I decided to take one of the least know today. As I was driving a realization struck me. Nobody was outside. Usually there were tons of those unemployed moms walking their dogs attempting to have the body of a teenager. None of their pink velour tracksuits were in sight. Had zombies already gotten to my neighborhood? I just want to get to my house, lock everything and take a nap. Hopefully when I wake up, everything will turn out to be just a dream. I was at my hill now. I started to make my way up the giant hill. People slowly were appearing outside. These weren’t normal people.

            I recognized the green, rotten skin and ragged clothes. Zombies were coming yet again. They were becoming closer and closer to me. Over 10 zombies were coming after me. I recognized these zombies. They were all my neighbors that I had seen at BBQs and I had babysat their adorable children and now they were coming after me. They had probably forgot about all the memories we shared now. As now they were some vicious zombies. I had seen what they can do. The image of the librarian’s hand appeared in my brain. I shook it away, determined to not let it happen to me. I was currently halfway up the hill Do I try to get home or do I make an escape? My house would definitely be safe as it had locks for every door and window. My parents were big on security, mostly to get away from paparazzi that occasionally decide to pay us a surprise visit. What if zombies had already invade my house though? I mean, I didn’t have anything important in there. The zombies now were practically in my car. I made a quick decision and put my car in reverse and slammed on the gas, just as a zombie touched my car. I flew back down the hill away from the zombies. As soon as there was a somewhat safe distance between me and the zombies, I put the car in drive and speeded out of the neighborhood.

            Without thinking about where I was going, I drove along the road. I arrived at the destination my subconscious had picked. It was my favorite place and sometimes I even considered it more of my home than my own house. I parked my car in the currently empty parking lot. No one was supposed to be here for 3 hours so I could have the whole place to myself. Zombies wouldn't bother with this place, it’s completely devoid of people which I'm guessing is what they want. They probably want our brains just like in all those movies. The thought made me sick, I didn't want to think about zombies any longer. I got out of my car and walked through the familiar doors that I pass through almost every day. I looked around at the empty place and a feeling of safety swept over me. This gym was truly my home. I do rhythmic gymnastics, a very uncommon sport in America but one of the best sports.  I enjoy every minute of it even when I’m almost in tears from the pain. Making my legs go way past splits and my back practically bend in half is all worth it when when my routines get credit. This is a difficult sport to explain so I have just given up on trying to. I think it’s why I love my teammates so much, because they understand me. They understand the pain and the stress I have to go through. Having to keep up with 11th grade private school homework while practicing for 4 hours a day, 6 days a week was just the start of the stress. Teachers would never understand why I couldn’t complete my homework or why I got 2 hours of sleep the night before but my teammates understood. They were my family. I considered them my family more than my actual family. My parents were always on trips maintaining their business. My teammates are the only things that can keep me sane through everything. I really need them now. I guess I could just wait for them to show up for practice, which I'm sure they will...maybe. I walked over to the corner of the gym and sat down. Before long I was laying down with my jacket wrapped around me and soon I was asleep.

(A/N) Hey whoever is reading this (if anyone is) sorry this chapter is kind of boring..I'm trying to introduce Haley. Soon though Haley and One Direction will meet...just a couple more chapters :) Also pleasee comment what you think, I'd really appreciate it!

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