Just A Normal Day...

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             We were at our usual meet and greet. Thousands of screaming fans, our hands throbbing from our names so much, lots of joking around, etc. At least it wasn’t as hot here as it had been in the previous places. It was only May and the weather was already scorching hot in the southern U.S. I thought of back home in England where it’s a miracle if you see the sun. I kind of missed it but I brushed away this thought as I remembered how I am one of the luckiest guys ever. Anyways the weather here in San Francisco was perfect. There was no need for scarves and coats yet I wasn’t sweating out every ounce of water in my body.

            “Alright boys, its time for a break,” Paul announced. I looked up and realized I had just mindlessly signed many girls’ CDs. I had become so used to smiling and nodding to what all the fans say that I could now do it without even thinking. It reminded me of school. The teachers always thought I was really interested in what we were learning but in reality I was thinking about the hot girl sitting a few seats over. I suddenly felt a little bad for not paying attention the fans. Maybe if I wave to some of them it will make up for it. I scanned the crowd looking for anyone looking at me but most of them were focused on Louis goofing around with Zayn. Louis was currently tackling Zayn. I laughed all the girls’ heads turned to me at the sudden noise escaping my previously extremely quiet lips. There were so many screams and “Harry!” I almost had to plug my ears. I began to wave to everybody, smiling this way and that way. I noticed a few girls standing emotionless. Their skin was a light green color. They were all the way in the back but slowly inching their war forward. How strange, I thought. I leaned over to Liam and pointed them out. He nodded in agreement saying perhaps green was the new trend. One of the fans screaming would not get out of the green girls way. The green girl slowly turned to her.

I screamed at the same time as Liam. The green girl had bitten the other girl’s arm off. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Blood was spewing everywhere. A man in all black was running towards us. I remember him as the arena manager. He was yelling something but I couldn’t distinguish what it was.

“Something’s not right! The girls have gone absolutely crazy! They’re like zombies!” I heard. As soon as we heard zombies, Paul grabbed all of One Direction and told us to get in the tour bus immediately. I didn’t know what was going on but I ran as fast as I could to the tour bus. As soon as all the lads got on the bus, Paul started it and just drove. I looked out the window and saw arms and legs flying everywhere. People were getting mauled. Cars were trying to escape as fast as they could. It was a gruesome sight. I turned around before I could see anymore. We had just been attacked by zombies. 

One Direction VS Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now