Let's All Just Be Sheldon Cooper

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Heat spread around my face as the sun rose higher in the sky, however I refused to open my eyes. I didn’t want to expose my eyes to the suffering around me. I just wanted to lie here forever, pretending as if everything was all right. The truth is nothing is all right. Harry was off in the woods extremely angry at us, Louis was laying right next to us dead, it was unknown what the hell was going on in the rest of the world and then there was us just lying here hoping to latch onto a happy dream in our sleep. Unfortunately I don’t think any of us could manage a cheerful dream. I was stuck with the nightmare of imagining how Louis did this to himself and just watching this scene over and over again. No matter the amount of sun on my face, I reject my want to open my eyes so that the tears lining my eyes won’t overflow and glide down my face.

“Hey Niall, you’re starting to burn,” A feminine American voice quietly informs me. I slowly bring my fingers to my face and cringe at my touch as it stings. I resist the urge to move out of the sun to protect my light-skinned face and instead let the sun roast me. I could feel Haley staring at me waiting for a response from her observation, but I lay motionless on the ground wishing to go back to a few weeks ago when my brother from another mother was still alive. I wish I could go back to the time when no one was mad and the worst thing that could happen to us was that someone had a deathly fart during a 7-hour bus ride. I want to go back to the time when everything was perfect with having a solid family around me and millions of fans supporting me constantly. Honestly we all wish we could return to those days, but instead we were stuck in now. Stupid stupid now. “Niall, you look like a lobster,” At this remark I open my eyes and see the ice blue staring intently at my bright red skin.

“Haley, what were you doing a few weeks ago?” I ask nonchalantly. Haley looked at me quizzically for a few seconds then switched her emotion to a casual look as if this was an ordinary question to be asking at this time.

“I was studying probably or at least trying to,”

“Oh what were you studying for?”

“Finals, the big moment of the year, the most stressful point of my life, the end of a year of hell”

“Sounds like a lot of fun... I don’t understand the American education system”

“Okay well in America you learn about every subject possible including useless things you will never need to know and then finally at about age 20 you get to study the things that will help you with the career you want”

“That seems like…a giant waste of time”

“Yep, welcome to America,” I let out a laugh as Haley said that. It felt good to laugh, a little odd but still nice. I missed this feeling of just relaxing. Haley’s wide smile stared back at me clearly enjoying this calm conversation as well. Her eyes lit up like the sky on a summer day. If there was anything to remember about her, it would have to be her eyes. Although they were only blue, they changed shades of blue and just by looking at them you could tell what kind of mood she was in. Our laughs continued until a restless Zayn grunted clearly in annoyance at our happiness. “Do you want to go find Harry? There’s no way I could sleep right now and you really need to get out of the sun before you develop skin cancer right now”

I nodded in agreement and we went off into the woods. We each called Harry a few times in a sort of whisper-yell. We were trying to avoid getting attention from any zombies but still wanted Harry to hear us. After what felt like forever of wandering around the woods calling for Harry, we decided to rest on a log. Birds flew over our heads chirping out little songs. I could hear a woodpecker knocking on some unknown tree, while the wind rustled through the leaves. Our heads turned from side to side at each new sound.

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