He grumbled a denial to Hoseok's claim once the pair was out of earshot, Jungkook, now walking next to the blue-haired male. He slung an arm casually across the younger's shoulder, pulling the smaller in tightly, molding him to his body.

"Aw, there's no need to be shy, babe. There'll be plenty of time for both."


They returned to the same hill hours later after traveling all over the city, Taehyung proudly displaying his artwork to the ravenette and practically buzzing happily every time Jungkook complemented his skills or gave him light pecks and hugs when the graffiti centered around a more emotional topic. By the time they'd settled back under the large Oak, Jungkook resting against the bumpy bark and Taehyung situated snuggly between his legs, the sky was blanketed in a midnight hue, dotted by thousands of twinkling stars.

A light breeze rustled the leaves of the tree, the ambience accentuated by the dull chirp of crickets and a distant owl hooting. Jungkook ran comforting fingers through Taehyung's hair, kissing his head, and tightly wrapping his arm's around the younger's waist. He was content to stay there, body curled around Taehyung's as he showered the boy with endless love and affection. A supply which never ceased to run low.

The ravenette glanced down at the male cuddled against him. He observed the gentle slope of Taehyung's nose, the crest of his cheeks, and silver sheen dusting across his blue-locks, complementary of the sliver of pale moonlight raining down on the pair. Taehyung's eyes, though slightly sleepy were brighter than Jungkook could ever recall seeing them, practically swimming with joy. He leaned down, resting his head on the tuft of soft blue hair, pulling Taehyung ever closer.

Lightly he traced the litany of tattoos gracing Taehyung's forearms and hands, starting at the moon design and trailing down to outline the 'I'm Fine' tattoo on his wrist, admiring the stunning work, awe ever growing after seeing Taehyung's patchwork of spray-painting jobs littered around the city.

"You're remarkable." He whispered, smiling lovingly as Taehyung looped their hands together, entwining their fingers.

Taehyung sighed happily, letting his head fall back against Jungkook's shoulder as he pulled their clasped hands into his lap. "And you're amazing." The younger returned, smiling lazily as he almost absentmindedly began to sketch on Jungkook's forearm, much as the older had been doing just a moment prior. "Best thing that's happened to me."

Jungkook chuckled fondly, nuzzling Taehyung's head, and rubbing soothing circles into the bit of honey-tanned skin where the boy's shirt had rode up. "And you me."

Taehyung stilled suddenly, finger freezing where he'd been in the middle of drawing. He sat up, turning to look at Jungkook, a shimmering gleam present in iris'.

He stood, brown orbs full of wonder, ignoring Jungkook's puzzled look in favor of reaching down for his hand.

When Taehyung spoke again, his voice was but a whisper, tone ever gentle but left no room for argument, even as an excited lilt trickled in earnestly.

"Come with me."


It was nearing 3 a.m. when the two males arrived at the tattoo parlor, purple fluorescent sign flickering cheerfully, casting bright hues against the darkness.

"Taehyung? What are we doing here?" Jungkook murmured, puzzlement only increasing as they went around to the back door, slipping inside without so much as a peep.

"Shh," Taehyung began, a gleeful, small smile gracing his lips. "Trust me." The blue-haired male led Jungkook to his tattoo station, turning on his lamp, and letting the dull, yellowish color tint the room.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now