The Clone's Chips

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IAmClone_Tup5385: is Kix here?

Kix_MedicalMedic6116: Yes

Fives_5555s_MultipleFives_Hero: Kix is here

Hardcase_Live2FightAnotherDay: Kix is in the chat


Droid_Bait_Droids002010: 😑😐😑

Appo_IObeyOrders1119: I don't encourage YELLING in the chat

Jesse_Clone_IDoNotLikePongKrell5597: lol but UR yelling

Appo_IObeyOrders1119 LEFT THE CHAT

Kix_MedicalMedic6116: What happened to Tup????

IAmClone_Tup5385: Someone here put a BANANANA PEEL NEAR MY DOOR and I sprained MY ANKLE

Kix_MedicalMedic6116: 😲

RealCutUp4040⬆: 😮

Kix_MedicalMedic6116: Im coming RN

Kix_MedicalMedic6116 HAS LEFT THE CHAT

Hardcase_Live2FightAnotherDay: Uh Oh

Echo_Echo_Echo_DominoSquad1409: ??

IAmClone_Tup5385: 🤨

Hardcase_Live2FightAnotherDay: I did it (But jesse helped lol) 😂


Jesse_Clone_IDoNotLikePongKrell5597: It was a funny prank (lol) 😂😂 (way to blow our cover Hardcase 😠😠😠 #nothappy)

Rex_Captain7567: U guys are in so much trouble

Jesse_Clone_IDoNotLikePongKrell5597: 😧

Hardcase_Live2FightAnotherDay: 😦

Jesse_Clone_IDoNotLikePongKrell5597 LEFT THE CHAT

Hardcase_Live2FightAnotherDay LEFT THE CHAT

Meanwhile, Kix ran to Tup. "Kix?" Tup asked, "Yes?" Kix asked, "HARDCASE and JESSE did it." 

Tup said, Kix gasped, "Those two are troublemakers

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Tup said, Kix gasped, "Those two are troublemakers." Kix said. Kix took Tup to the medical bay. "Hmm, doesn't look too bad, but i'll do a full body scan just in case." Kix said. Kix did a full body scan, "Why does it say metal?" Tup asked

 Kix did a full body scan, "Why does it say metal?" Tup asked

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"Because your chip in your head." Kix said, "What does a chip do?" Tup asked, "Hmm." Kix thought, "Good question, I might ask Shaak Ti." Kix said. Kix left to go tell Shaak ti, "Hello Tup." Ti said, "Hello, I was thinking, what do chips do." Kix said, "Hmm, that is a good question, I may ask the Chancellor, perhaps you should come with me." Shaak Ti said, "Ok, i'll get Tup." Kix said

Kix, Ti, and Tup headed into the chancellor's room, they opened the door, but it looked like Palpatine was too busy on his phone.

Kix, Ti, and Tup headed into the chancellor's room, they opened the door, but it looked like Palpatine was too busy on his phone

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"Excuse me Palpatine chancellor." Shaak Ti said, "CHANCELLOR?" Tup asked, Palpatine was too busy to hear them. Ti got the phone with the force,

Palpatine's Conversation On Phone

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: Did you know the clones chips make them attack jedi?

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: nope


"Why are you talking about clones attacking jedi Palpatin chancellor." Ti asked, "Oh, uh , it was uh. I was suggesting the jedi to get rid of them!" Palpatine lied, Ti nodded but did not believe him. They left.

Kix investigated it more, and found out the chips did make the clones attack jedi. All the clones got their chips removed.

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