Luke Is Not Guilty- Luke Chapter 3

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Luke was put in the cage Maul and the death trooper were in. He was furious but knew that was not jedi way. Luke used his lightsaber to get out the cage. He had a trial

Everyone gathered up. 

Anakin and Luke sat next to each other,

"I am not guilty." Luke said. "You attacked me!" Anakin said. "I did not! Have a look at the security footage!" Luke yelled. Anakin deleted the footage though. "I didn't either! Have a look and see!" Anakin yelled. "We'll get the footage then." Mace said. Anakin deleted it. "Hmm it's not here, it's like someone deleted it." Mace said and looked at Luke. "Free, you both are. Forget this, we will not." Yoda said.

After that everyone hated Luke (expect for leia,han and chewbacca.)

Luke was hated- like Fox. 

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