Commander Fox's Vlog Part 1

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Fox left. He was annoyed after he got booed but he needed to do his duty. Fox turned on his camera. "Hello. It's CC-1010, also known as Clone Commander Fox." Fox said. Yoda called Fox. "Fox, spotted at mustafar the sith have been. Go with Kit Fisto Aayla, and Plo Koon to investigate you must." Yoda said. "Sir yes sir." Fox said.Fox took the camera. Fox went to the ship Kit and Aayla and Plo were on. Fox turned on the camera, he said nothing. Thorn came in. He sat down. He placed his camera. "Hey it is Thorn. This is my vlog. Over there is Fox." Thorn said. Kit went over to Fox. "Hey fox, do you need any help with your vlog there?" Kit asked. "No sir, I am fine." Fox said. "If you inist." Kit said. Kit went over to Thorn. They had  a chat. Fox sighed. He went on the group chat. 

Hello everyone, part two of fox's vlog will continue next chapter. Thanks,

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