~ Altea ~

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Hi Everyone! If your reading this your probably looking for a Juicy Kidge FanFic 0w< or not I'm not a mind reader haha. Just letting ya know this is almost nothing like the series as you can tell from the media, yes Pidge and Matt have Altean lineage! And no not everyone is from Earth. I don't really know where I'm going with this yet I'm kind of just making it up as I go like I said earlier. Please bare with me throughout this and if you have any suggestions please do let me know!

It was a Peaceful Saturday morning in the Holts residence, Matt was getting ready to go out looking for a job, Colleen was cooking breakfast for Katie who was busy in her room tinkering with Altean and Olkarion tech and Samuel who was getting ready to head to work.

"Katie! Matt! Honey! Breakfast is ready!"

Matt waved his mother off letting her know he had already had a small breakfast and eagerly left the house to look for a new job. The young Holt had just come of age and had graduated school and was excited to figure out what he wanted to work as.

Samuel Holt and Katie made their way to the table where they sat down and began eating soon joined by Colleen. They talked about the usual, what was going on at work or at school, what job they thought Matt would go for, Tech stuff bla bla bla.

"So dad you said you got a promotion right? What is it?" Katie asked.

"I'm glad you asked Pumpkin! Actually I'm going to be working at the castle! Well I was going to but something came up..." her father responded suddenly becoming a bit...tense.

By now they had finished eating and Colleen had gotten up to wash the dishes. "Is everything okay? You didn't loose the promotion did you?" Katie asked worriedly.

"No no! It's nothing to worry about really I'll just have to head out for a few months is all." He said waving his hands as a form or letting her know everything was okay. "King Alfor decided he wants me to come along with him while we rebuild the coalition." He explained.

Katie tilted her head curiously "doesn't he have Coran for that? I mean your tech skills are probably better than his but I guess I just assumed he'd choose Coran over anyone..." she mumbled.

"It's not that it's Just he feels he needs to leave someone to care for his daughter and that person is Coran." Sam said.

"Oh I get it." Katie nodded understandingly. Getting up when there was a knock at the door. She opened the door to see Princess Allura and their friend Romelle standing outside.

"Katie!" They both hugged their friend like they hadn't seen her in AGES.

"Hey guys what's up?" She asked pushing them off her as it was hard to breathe.

Allura and Romelle looked at Sam then back at eachother before giggling nervously "we're having a sleep over and were wondering if you wanna come!" Romelle chirped.

Katie smiled although she knew they were definitely planning something. "Sure- oh wait is that okay dad?" She asked turning to look at her father who hadn't noticed the suspicious girls.

"That's fine honey just be careful you'll be at the castle so you'll be well taken care of though so I have nothing to worry about" Sam chuckled.

"Just be back by tomorrow After noon I'm going to need help baking those pies for the People who are going to be going on the mission with king Alfor." Colleen added while still in the kitchen.

"Sure thing mom!" Katie yelled back running to her room and quickly packing a few things, tech stuff, her computer, some clothes and of course MORE techs stuff. She rushed back out to where her friends were waiting and the three began walking back to the castle "okay so what are we REALLY doing?" Katie asked catching on to their little lies.

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