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You stood there staring at yourself in the mirror. You pulled the hair tie from your hair and let it fall around your face. You hadn't had a hair cut in years but that was okay. After today you would cut it. You brushed your hair with your fingers and smoothed out your shirt and pants. You gave your cheeks and few little pinches and thats when you noticed your heart racing. You were nervous. But then again this was your idea and Sam went with it. You looked at the bathroom door and thought of how patiently he was waiting. He was probably sitting down lost in some random thought of his. Or maybe he was just as nervous as you. You looked back at the mirror and eyed the small scar trailing from your jawline to the middle of your neck. The scar was from a hunting accident. Cas had gone missing for a few months and by the time you found him, it was already a scar. A knock on the bathroom door started you. "Hey," it was Sam. "Are you okay in there? You didn't get cold feet and run off did you?" You wash your hands, "I'm on my way out." You quickly dry them and step out of the bathroom. Sam turned and smiled at you. "You know, I kind of like your hair down when it's long." He walked up to brushed your hair to the side. The touch made you close your eyes. "I'm thinking once this is done, I'll go have it cut. Don't need the bag guys to try and pull it." Sam chuckled and kissed your cheek. The both of you sat down on the nearest bench and waited for what seemed like forever. Dean texted you both wondering where you guys were and that he was hungry. You guys decided to not say anything to him but to feed himself. After about an hour of waiting a perky young woman came around the corner and said "Winchester and YLN?" Both you and Sam stood up. "Follow me." The woman said and began to walk away. "Are you ready for this?" Sam asked as you both followed the woman. "Of course I'm sure about this Sam." You said. "If I wasn't, we wouldn't be doing this right now." Sam chuckled. "Just checking." The woman brought you to a room and once she opened the door you saw the old frail looking judge talking to a woman and a man. This was happening and nothing was going to stop this from happening. When you guys were in front of the judge, he smiled. "Beautiful day to get married is not?" 


Sam paced around the hospital waiting room. His hands and face were scratched up from the accident. Every time a nurse came out to check on him, Sam would refuse treatment until he knew that you were okay. After a couple of hours, Dean rushed through the doors with Cas trailing behind him. "How is she?" Dean asked. Sam rubbed his face. "I don't know. They haven't been out to update me. I tried asking earlier. Still nothing." Suddenly a male in an OR gown came into the waiting room. "Is YN okay?" Sam stood up and almost grabbed the young doctor. The doctor was calm and took a small step away from Sam to get a better look at his face. "There was more damage to her insides than what our scans showed us. But YN is a fighter. But there is one thing I need to tell you." Sams breathing got shallow. "What's that?" Sam attempted to swallow the saliva that built up. "Some of the damage goes down to her stomach which means we..." Before the doctor could go on, Sam cut in. "Have to deliver the baby." Sam felt the blood leave his face and got light headed. Sam needed to sit down. "Yes," the doctor said. "Is there another way to keep the baby in?" Sam asked. "She's only thirty weeks." The doctor looked down. "If there was, I wouldn't be here asking you to give us permission to save both your wifes and babys life." Sam rubbed his face with both his hands. "We already have everything we need for the baby on standby." The doctor added. Sam looked to his big brother and to Cas. "Okay," Sam said. "Thank you," the doctor then left. Dean and Cas sat down. "What the hell happened?" Dean finally asked. "All you said was there was an accident and that YL was hurt bad." Sam licked his lips and took a drink of the water Cas offered to him. "We were just driving around. YL had this sudden burst of energy and wanted to take a drive. So we did. While we were driving through an intersection a large truck t-boned her side pretty hard and rolled the car about four times. YN had passed out and had pieces of glass in her and a large rock on her stomach. Something told me to get the hex bag I keep in the car and put it on the driver of the truck. Instincts were right, a demon pulled me out and tried to kill me but I snuck the bag and before I could say a spell the paramedics were around the corner." When Sam finished his story. Cas looked to Dean. "That could be the missing demon from our hunt. They did say that they would go after something you care about." Dean balled his fists. "Damn." He whispered. "Cas and I will ask around and find them. I don't want you getting into this," Dean said leaning towards Sam. Sam hated that his brother knew what he as thinking. Sam had every right to go after that demon for what he did. "You have YN and the baby to think about and care for." All Sam could do was nod his head. Another two hours passed when this time two doctors came out. Sam stood up right away. "Everything went smoothly for both your wife and daughter. Both are in a special room where we can monitor both of them but keep them close by." Sam smiled and a few tears fell as he began to feel relief. "Can we go see them?" Sam asked. The doctor lead them all to your room. Sam couldn't help but stare at your sleeping body. "She should be waking up soon. If there's anything you need, just as one of these nurses here." Dean looked back and rose an eyebrow. "I most certainly will." A few of the nurses blushed hard. "Dean," Cas said and pulled him into the room after Sam. Sam walked towards the small NICU where his daughter laid with a few wires and tubes sticking out of her. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "She's gorgeous," Dean said placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "You guys did amazing. Dad would have been proud." Sam gulped and turned back to sit next to your bed. For the next hour Sam waited for you to wake up. A nurse came in to check on your daughters wires and tubes with Dean flirting with her. Cas then grabbed Dean and pulled him out of the room and said let's get food. Instantly Dean was hungry. You stirred and Sam grabbed your hand. You opened your eyes, found Sam's eyes and smiled. Sam could tell you were in pain and hoped that Cas would come back to heal what pain he could without making it look suspicious. "Hey," Sam said. "How do you feel?" You moved a bit and winced at the pain you felt. "Not too bad. How's the baby?" You asked and Sam took your other hand so that he held both of your hands. "The damage you took from the crash was in your stomach as well and they tried every way they could but in the end they had to deliver the baby. Now before you freak out, she's doing amazing and is super strong like her mom." Sam watched you face as he said 'her mom.' "A girl?" you asked smiling. Sam chuckled. As hunters you guys couldn't do normal appointments but having Cas around to hear the heartbeat was enough. "She's beautiful. Do you want to see her?" Sam got up before you could answer and began to push the NICU bed towards yours. Sam watched as you took her all in. He even saw a small tear form in the corner of your eye. No doubt thinking of the one child you lost long ago. "Mary Ruth," You said. "That's what we should name her. Mary after your mom and Ruth after mine." Sam smiled and looked at his sleeping daughter. "I love it." Sam looked at you and leaned in and kissed you. 


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