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You don't remember much of how you ended up back at the bunker. You do remember waking up screaming a few times due to the excruciating pain. You remember hearing the soft words of Sam telling you that you'll be fine and you not believing him. You remember laying down on the bed in the bunker infirmary hearing Cas say "this is going to hurt her so hold her down." And once the pain started you screamed and thrashed and begged to die. Then you passed out. You looked around the infirmary and it was empty. You saw a sandwich plate on the nightstand, sandwich was half eaten and not even a day old. So you knew someone was sitting in here watching you. You slowly kicked off the blanket and sat up. To your surprise your side didnt hurt. You lifted your shirt and saw not even a scar. Cas must have given it all he had to heal you. That or your dead and living some kind of weird hell in hell. You slowly stood up and made your way out of the infirmary. Along the way you started to become light headed and stopped and used the stair railing for support. You closed your eyes and behind your closed kids, you saw that shifter wraith thing smoking at you and the lingering words of how there are more of them. Part wraith and part monster. The door to the infirmary opened winched snapped you back to reality. You opened your eyes to see Dean walk in. "What the hell are you doing? You should be in bed resting." Dean came up to you and wrapped an arm around you and started to take you back down the stairs. "I'm fine," you said pushing him away. "I'm well rested and my side is not hurting and I'm starving." Then it hit you "how long was I out?" You asked. Dean ran his hand through his hair "Well, do you want to add the times you woke up screaming or from when you passed out after screaming 'just let me die you asshole?'" You rose an eyebrow. "After Cas healed me," you made a mental note to find Cas and apologize. "A week," dean said. "Weve all been taking turns to watch you." You stood there and just stared. A week? You wondered. "Wow," was all you could say. "Yeah well," dean motioned to the infirmary door. "Let me make you an amazing grilled cheese and then after you're done we can wake Sam up." The mention of Sam's name made your heart jump. "I had to force him to go sleep, he had been up for over twenty four hours watching you sleep." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Force him? As in you got him to actually sleep?" Dean slightly smiled. "I mixed a bit of herbs that promote sleep into his drink." "So you drugged him?" You asked. "Perfect he could be out for hours." You made your way out of the infirmary and dean followed without a word having heard the sarcasm in your voice. Once in the kitchen you sat down at the table while dean grabbed things to start food. Your mind wondered to how dean said that he forced sam to sleep. Sam must have stayed up forever watching you. He must have blamed himself for what happened to you and you had to tell him that it wasnt his fault. The hunt went south and you got hurt. You hop up and made you way to Sam's room.

Sam slowly opened his eyes. How long had he been out? Then he remembered Dean saying "sleep tight" after he drank his tea. "Damn," sam whispered. He had fallen for it. Then he remembered, you. Last he remembered was you fidgeting and crying in your sleep. Sam couldn't get the image of you screaming as Cas healed you. Whatever it was took a toll on you and Cas. Then they way you begged to die, sam rubbed his face and pushed the memory into the blackest most deepest part of his mind. Sam got up and started to grab some clothes and shoving them into a bag along with a few other things until he heard a knock on the door. Sam set down his gun and opened his door. There you stood and a lump formed in this throat. Sam smiled and exhaled. You looked beautiful. You licked your lips and looked down. "Hey," Sam finally said. "Hey," you said looking up slightly. "Can we talk?" You asked. Sam moved aside and let you walk in. Sam noticed that you were zeroed in on the bag on his bed. Sam went and moved it to the small desk. "Sorry I'm finally putting things away after the trip." Sam noticed you rose an eyebrow. You were smart and called everyone on their crap, but you didn't this time. "Um," you sat down on Sam's bed. "How are you doing after all this? Dean said you barely slept." Sam leaned back on the edge of the desk. If dean had told you that he barely slept, then dean must have told you that he was by your side for days. "I'm good, now that you're awake I can probably sleep better without dean tricking me into drinking sleeping herbs." The both of you chuckled. Sam saw your smile fade and got up and walked up to him. You touched Sam's collar bone and he winced at the pain. On the last leg of the road trip before getting to the bunker, Sam had been holding you tight as you thrashed around when your knee struck him in the collar bone. The bruise started right away. "What happened?" You asked softly. "You kneed me pretty hard while on our way back." Sam saw your face fall. "And Cas didnt heal you?" You barely whispered. "Cas was nearly drained after he was done with you. Hes been recharging." Sam had a hard time concentrating with you being so close to him. "You know, what I said back there in Arizona, I needed to say that." You traced your finger around the bruise. "That thing, didnt know the deep stuff about me and what I felt." Sam slowly looked from your hand to your face. You were looking deep into his eyes as if to try and figure out what he was thinking. Sam felt your hand grip on the collar of his shirt and without thinking, sam put a hand on your hips and pulled you closer to him and put his free hand on your face. Sam felt your body tense up but Sam focused on how soft your face was and how you let your face melt into his hand. Sam watched as your eyes closed when your face turned pink. He smiled and slowly pulled your face to his. Once your guys lips touched, both of your bodies relaxed. Your hand let go of Sam's shirt and slide down the front of it. Sam let his hand that held your face slide down your neck. You shivered which made him smile against your lips. Why hadn't he done this sooner, sam wondered. He had begun to fall for you the moment you opened your eyes in that hospital two years ago. Sam slowly stood up without letting you go and backed you up to the bed. Sam felt your other hand reach up the front to slowly unbutton his shirt and Sam was dying inside and needed you to move quicker. The moment Sam felt that eagerness and that need, a wall of painful memories flooded Sam.

Dean watched as you got up and left the kitchen. He thought you were headed to your room but you turned towards Sam's room. Maybe to check on him or to wake him up. It didnt matter to him. Just as long as you guys finally told each other how you both felt. It drove dean crazy to watch you guys over the years fall for each other, refuse one night stands, and not tell each other. Sam gave It away after a few months of you living with them. You had left for a supply run when dean caught sam watching you leave. Dean would admit that you were hot as hell but he knew from the they way you treated him that you weren't into him. You always giggled and touched and looked after sam. The look in your eyes was the same look Sam would give you. Dean finished up the grilled cheese he made you and set it aside and grabbed a few beers and sat down in the library. Dean checked his phone and saw no text or call from Cas. After Cas had healed you, he was exhausted and drained, like the time his grace was burning out, he left and no update since. Dean sent a quick text asking how he was doing when he heard a door slam. He saw you mar hing your way towards your room and from the quick glimpse of your face, that time in Sam's room didnt go well. Dean quickly followed you to your room because he was going to deal with Sam later. "YN," dean said firmly. "What's going on? What happened?" You didnt answer him. You pulled out a couple of bags and put whatever your hands touched in there. Clothes, shoes, books, weapons, literally whatever your hands touched. Next was the bathroom essentials, you even took Dean's toothpaste but that didnt bother him. He would take Sam's and Sam would just go buy a new one. "YN, what the hell is going on?" Dean grabbed your arm and that's when he saw the tears and the emptiness in your eyes. "What did sam do?" Dean asked quietly. You were quiet for a few minutes before wiping your eyes. "Sam doesnt want me here anymore." Dean scoffed, "what? No! Sam's crazy about you. Why would he say that?" You pulled your arm back and walked back to the room and grabbed your other bag and slung it over your shoulder. "Becusee he doesn't want me to end up like Jess or like Eileen or Madison. And that was after he almost got me into bed." Dean blinked a few times. "Woah. Wait, what?" You huffed and started walking out of the room. "I went in there to talk to Sam but on thing lead to another and before you know it, I'm sitting on the bed with sam hovering over me telling me to stop. He told me that this couldn't happen and that I would only end up like his last loves and told me to go. We argued and he still told me to go." Dean followed you all the way to the bunkers garage where you grabbed a set of keys to one of the cars in there. "So you're leaving leaving then?" Dean asked. "Yep," you got to your car and looked at dean. Your face said you were pissed but your eyes said that your world was falling apart. "I'll keep in touch with you dean. But tell your brother he can rot in hell." You started get into the car when you popped up. "You know what, hell spat him out so he can get stuck in purgatory for all i care." You got in and drove off, leaving dean wanting to kill him brother. Dean went back into the bunker and made his way to sams room. Sam was standing in the middle of the kitchen. His shirt half way unbuttoned and his eyes looking like he lost everything. Which he did. "What the hell man?" Dean said taking the grilled cheese made and taking a bite. "She did nothing to you. She is or was in love with you. Deeply. And so are you. So what the hell man?" Sam just stood there. "Dammit, sam," dean set the food down. "You ran her off with a stupid idea that she would die if she got involved with you." Sam still didnt say a word. "Come on, sam," dean was annoyed by now. "You finally had her. You guys kissed and almost took it to third base. Then you got cold feet and scared and told her to go. You know what? She left sam. Shes gone and she wants you to rot in purgatory forever. That's right purgatory because hell doesnt even want you." Sam looked into Dean's eyes and dean saw the hurt and guilt and anger already forming. "And you, you are the one who gets to live with this. You let her go Sam and you'll be damned if she finds someone better than you." Sam took a deep breath and dean noticed his hands clenching and unclenching. "Leave me alone dean." Dean ran his hand through his hair and left. Maybe you or Sam will come to your senses and things will be back to normal.

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