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You woke up at three in the morning to your phone going off. You mean and grab your head. You wondered how long you were out for. You pulled your phone out and was surprised it wasnt cracked after the tumble you took. You answered the phone just before it was sent to voicemail. "Hello?" You groaned. "Oh thank God." Garth's voice made you pull the phone away from your ear. "I've been trying to call you for hours! What happened? You didnt check. I had to call in back up for you." You groaned and slowly stood up. Your head spun and you balanced yourself holding onto tree next to you. "You didnt!" You hated the thought of getting help. "I'm sorry YN, I couldn't get ahold of you and feared you were hurt." You pushed yourself off the tree and made your way back to the trail you wondered off of. "Well call whoever it was you called back and tell them I'm fine. Just got knocked out by thing i was hunting." Garth was quite. You hated when Garth got silent like that. "Well about that," you could picture Garths face. "Garth," you rub your face. "I better finish this case up before whoever it was you sent shows up. By the way who did you send?" Garth was silent for a while. "The Winchesters," he finally said. "They were closer and they're more experienced." You sighed. You never met the winchesters but you sure have hears of them and to be honest you could care less about them. "Alright," you said finally finding your car. "Ill show you how fast I can finish this case before the wonder boys show up. If I can find my keys." You pay around your pockets and looked around the car. "Garth, one more thing." "Shoot away my dear friend," he said. "How do you hot wire a car?"

Once you were on the road you replayed the events that lead up to you being knocked out. You followed a lead about the vamp and his hooker victim. You had talked to the locals and saw the body. Definitely a vamp and possibly a lone one too. You had staked out the bar and even blew off an attractive man. You followed the vamp and his 'date' to a hiking trail into the woods. Next you remembered yelling for the woman to run. You felt your head and it was still tender. The vamp must have hit your head hard enough to make you fall off the trail. You wondered about the woman and prayed she made it to safety. You would have to check in the morning. Right now you needed to get back to the motel to shower and relax. You also had to come up with a plan to finish thus case before the Winchesters showed up. You had to how Garth that you didn't need help, that you could do it all by yourself. Most hunters nowadays worked with a few other hunters on cases but, not you. You never worked with anyone. Last time you were stabbed in the back. metaphorically and physically. Once you pulled into the motel parking lot your phone rang again. Not your fed phone, but your personal phone. No one but a few people called, such as Garth, only called you on this phone. You looked at the screen and tried to make out the unfamiliar number. You wanted to ignore it but something told you to answer it. "Hello?" You said slowly cautiously. "Who is this?" "YN?" a males voice answered. "Hi, I'm Sam Winchester." Of course. Only Garth would give them your number. You got out of your car only to see your keys fall to the ground. "Look, Sam," You said grabbing a few bags and heading to your room. "I appreciate the call Garth gave to you but, I can do this case all on my own. I'm a big. I don't need help from you or your brother." You swore you heard a light huff from the other end. "Look, YN, the only reason why we are coming is that Garth couldn't get ahold of you. He also believes that this case can use a few more hands." You closed your eyes and sighed. "Okay, how about we make a deal?" You get to you motel door. "I'm at the Bear Lodge, room seven. If you guys get here and I'm still working the case, then you can help me finish it. I'll even buy the first round. But if you get here and I finished it you guys buy the first round." Sam chuckled on the other end. "You got yourself a deal. We are about twelve hours out. We will see you then." You opened the door to your motel and walked in. "Oh and Sam," You began to say until you felt something hit you in the head. You fell to the ground and just before you passed out you heard Sam's urgent voice calling your name.

You woke up to the sound of nothing. You slowly got up and instantly felt your head. There was a small bump just above your ear. Then you realized that you were in a small room. There was a wood chair that looked like it was rotting away and a small mattress that you were sitting on. Next to you was a bottle of water. You grabbed it and opened it and chugged it. You wondered how long you were out. You stood up and went to the small window and looked outside. There were trees and the moon was high. You were out for at least the whole day or more. The door to the room rattled and you spun around to see the vamp from the bar. "Oh good, you're awake." He walked to the chair and sat down. "What do you want with me?" You asked him. "You made me loose my dinner last. I thought it best to capture the hunter that let it happen." You took a deep breath and held your head up. This wasn't how you were going to go. At least the Winchesters knew where to start looking. "I'm not the only one out there hunting you." You said. "The Winchester wonder boys are looking for me as we speak." The vamp looked at you and rose an eyebrow. You could tell that he wasn't aware that other hunters were here. "They won't make it in time to save you. You'll be long gone by then." "How long have I been out?" "Twenty four hours. Give or take an extra." The vamp got up and walked towards you. you walked back until your back hit the wall and the vamp was in your face. you closed your eyes and felt his breath on your neck. "Lovely," he backed away and grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the small room to a bigger room. There you saw the rest of the nest. You felt stupid to think that you were just hunting a lone vampire. You just prayed that the Winchesters would get to you soon. The vamp forced you into a chair and tied you up. Suddenly the front door slammed open and a young woman rushed into the room. "Mallie," the vamp said. "What's wrong?" Mallie's eyes zeroed in on you. "The Winchesters are not far behind me." Your heart raced with excitement. "I tried to steer then off course but it's the Winchesters. They're smart, Malekith." Malekith, the vamp that was tying you up looked at you and smiled. "I say we can take her on the road then. Go get the IVs and blood bags." 

Within the hour you were hooked up to IVs and slowly your body began to drain of blood. You focused on staying awake but your eyes started to get heavy. You should have listened to Garth and called someone to help with the case. This wasn't how you were supposed to go out. You always thought that if you went out on a case it would be having your heart ripped out by demons or ripped apart by a werewolf. You slowly looked around as the vampires were packing up what they needed. From the corner of your eye, you saw a shadow move past the window and something in you knew what that shadow was. Either it was a Winchester or you started to hallucinate due to blood loss. Your heart began to race because you saw the shadow again. Soon the door burst open and in stormed in two men. One really tall with long hair and the other was a bit shorter wielding a machete. It only took them just a few seconds to assess the situation and then started to attack. That's when consciousness started to take over. your eyes got heavier by the second. You shook your head and forced your eyes to stay open. "Sam," you heard one of the guys say. "I got the rest. You grab YN and get out of here. I'll be right behind you." Your vision started to blur and you began to see some spot here and there. Your head fell forward and you saw that your skin was starting to loose its color. You struggled to pull your head and saw Malekith come towards you. He began to rip the IVs out of your arms. Next he bit down on his own wrist and grabbed your face. "Let's see how they feel about you turning." Before his bloodied wrist touched your face you saw his head fall off his body. There stood Sam with a bloodied blade and hair in his face. He was something out of a freaking movie or book. That's when you started to loose consciousness. You felt the ropes coming undone and being lifted up in Sams arms. "Hey," He said gently. "I got you." You took a deep breath and let it out as you rested your head on Sams shoulder.

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