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It had been two years since your almost death by a nest of vampires. If it weren't for the Winchesters, you would have been dead. No one would have found you and your certainly would have been haunting the crap out of people until they did so you could finally be put to rest. Sam and Dean rushed you to the hospital where you got some more blood pumped into you. You weren't aware of the back story they told and you didn't care. You were alive. When you were released Sam and Dean gave you an option of being back on your own or you could go with them to their secret bunker. In the one week you were in the hospital recovering, the Winchesters stayed to keep you company and you got to know them more. You clicked more with Sam who made you laugh. A lot. You hadn't laughed like that in years. Dean on the other hand was the total opposite. You knew they would make good friends, so thats why you went with them to their bunker. 

In the two years you lived with the Winchesters, you hunted with them and learned to be a better hunter. You watched Sam go through the trials to close the gates of Hell forever and it almost killed him. It almost killed you to see him laying in that hospital bed. Both you and Dean knew that doing those trials were a horrible idea. You guys knew that Sam wouldn't make it if he finished that last one. If you guys hadn't convinced Sam to stop, well, let's just say that you would back to solo hunting again or trading your soul for Sam back. Then you discovered that Dean tricked Sam into letting an angel possess himself and then that same angel took over Sams body and killed Kevin. A sweet boy who just wanted nothing to do with the life. Just when things were settling down, Dean just had to take the mark of Cain and die and turn into a demon. You saw an entirely different Sam Winchester and it was scary. Once you got Dean back and the mark removed you all had a chance to breath before the next case or end of the world big bad. 

You woke up the next morning after removing the mark from Dean. You looked at the clock and it read 5:45 in the morning. You had no energy to get ready and go on a short jog with Sam, which Dean made fun of both of you for. After all that running and driving and killing Death you were worn out. Too tired. But you got up anyway and dressed in your running gear and mixed together a shake to help wake you up and give you energy to run. As you were drinking your shake, you saw Sam come around the corner in his running gear. "Hey," he smiled. "I didn't think you were getting up with that twisted ankle." You stifled a laugh. "And let you improve your time all on your own without me. Never. Plus my ankle is doing just fine." You put your bottle down and grabbed Sams and made him his shake. "You could be on your death bed and want to race me." Sam leaned on the counter and watched as you made the shake. "And that's a bad thing?" You both laughed and headed out of the bunker. It was drizzling and the weather was perfect for a September morning. "Normal route or should we do that challenging route?" Sam asked sticking a headphone into his ear and flipping up his hood. If only you were brave enough to tell him how you really felt about him. "How about we stick to the normal route?" You stretch a little bit. "That way we don't push ourselves too hard. If we haven't found a case in the next few days we can do the challenging route. Also someone has to make the real bacon for Dean." Sam playfully pushed you. "Hey that was funny though," he laughed. You thought back to the other morning where Sam thought it would be hilarious to prank his brother with disgusting vegan bacon. It didn't go well but Sam got a good laugh out of it and it was nice to see him laugh again like that. "You ready?" You asked Sam. "Yep," you put a headphone into your ear. "What the hell is that behind you?!" You said urgently. Sam spun around "What?" he said as you took off running. "You fall for that every time!" You yelled back. "I hope you twist your ankle again." Sam said as he caught up to you. 

You and Sam got back to the bunker at the same time. You silently bit back some of the pain in your ankle. About halfway through the run your ankle started to act up. You didn't say anything as you pulled your leg back. Sam must have seen your face. "How's the ankle?" He asked opening the door for you. "Eh," you walked past him. "It started to act a little bit ago. A nice warm bath with some healing herbs would do just nice." "We all could probably could benefit from a bath like that," Sam said as he followed you through the bunker to the kitchen. "Ah there they are," A groggily Dean sat at the table. "Well, good morning Sleeping Beauty." You said and Dean groaned at you and made a face. "Don't give me that," You said pulling out both the real and veggie bacon out. "Or I'll let Sam cook your breakfast."  "Don't call me sleeping beauty," Dean huffed as he eyed the veggie bacon. You laughed and put the fake crap away. Sam went off to shower while you and dean started coffee and breakfast. "So," dean started to say. "When are you ever going to tell my brother how you feel about him?" You stopped mid scramble of the eggs and looked back at dean. He has that look on his face. The one where he had his head down but his eyes looked deep into yours. "What do you mean?" You asked acting like you didnt know what the hell he was talking about. "Dont play dumb with me YN," dean sipped his coffee. "I see the way you look at him. Sam looks at you too. You make it more obvious though, theres a look of longing and desire to be with someone." When did Dean Winchester become so deep? "Its complicated," you said quietly. "If I say something it could ruin our friendship. I would feel like I need to leave. I dont want that." You went back to finishing the eggs and putting the pan on the table. "So you're just going to not say anything?" Dean looked frustrated, the kind where he cared about his brother frustrated. "You're just going to stay in the dark and leave him hanging around until some one night stand takes over him?" "Dean," you slammed the spatula down and stared dean in the eyes. The heat and anger your felt, dean saw it. "Just stop!" You said between clenched. Sam came around the corner and instantly saw the tension. "You guys okay?" You looked away from dean and to sam. "Everything's fine," you walked past him and couldn't help but inhale the lingering scent of his body wash and shampoo. "Foods done. Save me a plate. I got to go soak my ankle in a bath." As you walked away you heard sam ask "what did you do to her?" "I stuck my nose where it shouldn't have been." Sam chuckled "you're lucky she didnt wack you with the spatula."

You rested in the bath until the water turned cold and you started to look like a raisin. When you were wrapped up in the towel you grabbed your things and opened the door and when you walked out you ran right into Sam. Sam steadied you and your grip on your towel tightened. "Hey," sam said stepping back. He kept a hand on your shoulder to make sure your balance was okay. "I was just going to check on you. I saved your food into a container for the road. Dean found us a case. Only if you're up for it, it's a few days drive." You could start feeling your cheeks burn, this wasnt the first time sam saw you wrapped in a towel, but you always got shy. "I'm better now. The bath was great by the way." Sam smiled. "Good good!" He put his hands on his hips and looked behind him then back at you. "Are you up for that case?" You looked up and smiled. "Sure, let me get dressed and packed. You moved passed Sam and felt his eyes follow you closely. You were glad he couldn't see your face because you knew it was red. Once you were in your room you quickly got dressed and threw stuff into a duffle bag and went back to the kitchen. Dean wasn't anywhere in sight. "Hey I got everything including your food in the impala. Dean's just waiting for you to be all good to go." You showed your bag to Sam who took it from you like he always did. "So what were you and dean arguing about?" You sighed, you knew Sam would come and ask eventually. "He asked me when I would get laid and I told him to butt out." Sam's arm tense and you weren't sure if it was because of the bag he carried or the thought you slept around. But you hadn't slept with anyone in two full years. "You know," Sam said opening the garage door for you, "since you've been with us I dont think you've ever slept with anyone. Even with Dean's hardcore flirting the first few months." You laughed "Dean made it so obvious and plus he isnt my type. Now let's stop talking about my lack of sex life and get going." Sam put your bag into the trunk and soon after you all were strapped in you guys made your way to hot dessert of Southern Arizona.

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