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Halfway back to the motel, your phone began to vibrate. You silenced it but it began to vibrate again. You pulled it out and saw a few texts from Liam. You rolled your eyes and sent a quick 'Talk later' text. But the moment you sent send, he called you. You rolled your eyes again and answered. Just to make him stop. "Hi," you said in a somewhat cheery and disappointed tone. "Can we talk later? I'm busy and with coworkers." Liam shuffled over the phone. "I just wanted to talk and see when you're coming back." You hung your head. What part of acquaintance with benefits did he not get? "Liam," once you said his name Sam turned back to look at you and turned forward again. "That's not how our arrangement works. I roll through town and we have fun." You saw Dean's head perk up and Sam's body tense up. "I'll let you know when I'm in town again." You hung up and put the phone away. "Who was that?" Sam asked without looking at you. "Liam. From the bar two years ago." "Car sales man Liam?" Dean asked. "You're sleeping with him? Wow, didnt think you'd sleep with someone like a car salesman." You shook your head. "I went back on my first case after leaving Garths. I ran into and yes, I slept with him. It doesnt mean anything." Sam suddenly turned around. "What happened to not having a one night stand? Or was that just talk?" Your eyes widened and you could see Dean wanted to shove his brother. "Its none of your business, Sam." You said with venom in your voice. "Well you technically made it my business after that stunt you pulled back there." You leaned forward so your mouth was by his ear. In a low chilling tone you said, "That stunt saved us and if it wasnt for that kiss, we would probably be dead." You noticed the impala stopped and you guys were back at the motel. "So whoever I sleep with is none of your damn business." With that sam got out of the impala and stormed into his and Dean's room. You were about to follow and go to your room but you felt Dean's hand on your arm. "Hold up. I have a few words." You leaned back and looked at dean. "What?" You asked. Dean turned to look at you. "You still have a thing for him do you?" You looked down and took a deep breath. Of course you still had a thing for Sam. "Its complicated, dean," you said softly. "If I came back or did something like this, it wouldnt be the same. Dean, your brother kicked me away. So I stayed away." You heard dean take a deep breath. "But you kissed him-" "I kissed him to save our asses. I had no choice." You got out of the impala and made your way to your room. "He still loves you, you know. Thought I would throw that out there." Dean called after you. You closed the door behind you and began to get out of the dress you wore. You threw on your pajamas and washed your face. As you were done drying your face, you noticed something move in the mirror behind you.

The next morning dean woke up and noticed sam was up and probably already on a run. When dean got back into the room after talking to you sam was sitting on his bed and just staring into space. Dean wanted to talk but Sam said he didnt want to hear anything. Dean hated being in the middle of all this. Clearly you and Sam were in love with each other and this time around it was killing dean because the two of you knew it and becusee of what happened you didn't want to be that close again. Dean needed a drink and had gone back out and had knocked on your door to invite you but you didnt answer. Dean took a deep breath and rolled out of bed and made coffee. His phone rang and it was Garth. "Hey," he answered. "Have you heard from YN? I've tried reaching her last night to talk and apologize but she didnt answer. Tried again this morning since she's an early bird. Again nothing." Dean made a face, that was odd. He went and peeked out the window. "Her car is still here. Shes probably sleeping in. Her and Sam got into it last night and I think I made it worse. Shes probably avoiding us. Given shes already pissed with you." Garth breathed too deep. "I over stepped and Bess knew it too. Anyway, tell her to text or call me when shes ready." "Okidokie," dean hung up in time to see Sam come in from a run. "Morning, coffees about done." Sam took his sweater off and sat down. "Thanks. Any sign of YN?" Dean shook his head. "Shes probably avoiding us or you. Anyway, anything about last night other than the kiss?" Dean asked and saw that his brother looked away whe he said the word kiss. "YN did say the people who came in were the same people we saw at the Chinese restaurant." Dean clapped his hands. "Okay," he said grabbing his laptop. "You go get YN and I'll have into security tapes." Sam reluctantly got up and went out to your room. Dean tapped away on the keyboard and pulled up last night parties. As dean was looking af footage of you and Sam talking Sam yelled from the next room. "Dean!" Dean got up and raced to your room. There he found Sam standing in the middle of the room. "Shes not here? Her purse is her, the car is here, everything." Dean looked around. "Any chance she would be running?" Sam picked up a pair of shoes. "Her running shoes are here." Dean walked towards the bathroom and kneeled down. On the title floor there was a few drops of blood. Dean tried to wipe it but it was almost dried. Dean had a horrible feeling about this. He looked to his brother who pulled out his phone that started to ring.

Sam stared at his phone as it rang. Your name on the screen. "Answer it!" Dean said and that snapped Sam out of whatever funk he was in. "YN?" Small answered the phone. "Where are you?" There was silence over the phone for a few minutes. Sam's heart raced. You were missing and he had a feeling who did it. "YN cant come to the phone right now. Shes, well, let just say shes tied up at the moment." Sam's body started shake. "You touch a single hair on her I'll kill you." Sam growled. "Oh dont worry Sam Winchester, we wont hurt a single hair on your YN/YLN. Oh yes we knew who you were when we saw you practically on top of each other." The line disconnected. Sam stormed out the room and back into his and Dean's. Sam took Dean's laptop and signed into the tracking account and looked to see where your phone was last used. Dean leaned next to Sam, "anything?" He asked. "Not really, but we do have about a ten mile radius to work with." Sam got up and packed the weapons bag. "Its the se people from the restaurant, they had a list of people they wanted to kill and a list of people they did kill." Sam tur ed around and to see Dean studying the map. "I have a good guess as to where she is." Dean said grabbing the keys. "Theres an abandoned church next to an abandoned warehouse. Both are worth the shot." Sam nodded and got into the impala. Sam started bounce his knee up and down. He couldn't believe this was happening again. If you died, without him apologizing for being such a dick, then he would loose it. He would get the kind if revenge that would scare someone. "Hey," Dean's hand was on Sam's shoulder. "We will get her back. Its YN. Shes a fighter. Shes always been." Sam looked at his brother and back out the window. "I cant lose her again, Dean."

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