Chapter 29: Why Did I ever Date Him? (Part II)

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Thank you guys so much for over 11k reads. I honestly never believed this would happen.

So you guys have been waiting long enough! (Sorry about that..)

For the sake of this story, its pre-new episode (unless I change something) BUT STILL THERE WILL BE A NEW EPISODE SPOILER SO GO WATCH BEFORE CONTINUING. I WARNED YOU.

TW: cussing, toxic relationship, Remus being an asshole

Virgil's POV

I looked around the room- or rather, hallway- that past me and I were in. Past me had tear stains on my face. I remembered this. This was when I went to go talk to Deceit because I finally realized that my relationship was a shitty garbage fire.

"Hey Janus.." Past me gently opened the door, "Can we ta-"

Past me was taken aback by what he saw. I didn't even have to look to know what was happening. I remember this too well.

"Re-stop- get the fuck off- you have a boyfriend!" Screamed Janus, who was pinned to a wall.

"Yeah, but he's no fun!" Remus exclaimed before kissing Janus.

"WHAT THE FUCK, REMUS!?" Past me yelled. I knew my relationship was bad, but not this bad.

"Oh... Nora...." 

"Don't call me Nora! Or Para! Or any of your stupid nicknames! I'm so done!"

I gasped awake.

I forced myself to wake up, because I didn't want to see anymore.

Little did I know, he was standing in my room.

"Hey, Virgin-Er, Virgil.."

"Fuck off, trash man."

"Listen to me for a minute." Remus said, "I know you can never forgive me-"

"Damn right." I said flatly.

"But you have to admit, I'm not the reason you left the dark sides."

Darn it, he's right there. I left them for a.. multitude of reasons.

"Yeah, so?" I said.

"After you ended.. us... I was a wreck. You know this. But I realized that I never really liked you.. like that. I cared about you, just not like that. And I didn't realize that, so I treated you like shit."

Things started making sense to me.

That's why he helped me when I got stuck in his part of the mindscape.
Why he helped me leave, as much as he didn't want me to.

"Be the light side I could never be. The side Janus could never be. But remember, if we ever meet again, I won't be your friend. Janus definitely won't be your friend. Whether we like it or not." He warned me, about a two years ago.

"So, for what it's worth, and it could even be meaningless to you, I'm sorry. I was an absolute jerk, and you didn't deserve it. I don't expect you to forgive me, But I want you to know that I want you to be happy. Even though I really don't show it."

I thought about this.

There is no way in hell that I am forgiving him. 

He knows that, and he's come to terms with it.

When I finally got out of my head, he was already gone. 

I want you to be happy......

Well, I know how I could do that.

With Logan.

Or at least I could, until he fucking stabbed me.

But, he didn't mean to do it!

But he did.

He cares about me!

He doesn't care about anything.

He respects my opinion!

No he doesn't. Don't flatter yourself. Jeez, why else would he stab you?

At this point, I was hyperventilating. And lightheaded.


I remembered that I didn't bandage the wound. 

I went to the medicine cabinet in my bathroom and grabbed bandages right before falling onto the floor.

I couldn't tell if it was the wound or a panic attack.

I just need to breathe. I need to focus. I need to relax. 

I need Logan. 


And leaving with a little cliffhanger! I really don't understand why people are reading this, it's literal trash. 

Really sorry I haven't updated in so long! My schedule's been insane recently because of stupid online school.

Hope you're still enjoying this book!

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