Chapter 20: Well Why Won't You?

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oh, by the way, from now on, whenever Deceit lies, I'll be putting the words in bold Italics.

Logan's POV

TW: Self harm mention

¨No..¨ I repeated the word with distaste. I had been used to hearing it, but right now.. I seemed so wrong.

Then I remembered Deceit is the lying side.

He said, as if responding to my thoughts, ¨I'm not lying. I won't do it.¨

¨Well, why not?¨

¨Because you need to realize something, Logan.¨ He started. He looked as though he were in a lot of pain, but continued, ¨We care about you. We worry about you. You matter. And if Patton's a little hyper-focused on you.. well maybe that isn't such a bad thing.¨

He looked like he was going to pass out, so I said, ¨Okay, I understand. You should probably go.¨

But I didn't understand. He only spoke about emotions. And those mean nothing to me, as I do not have them.

He muttered under his breath, ¨I'm not going to be able to tell the truth for the rest of the day now. Damnit.¨And started out the door.

Before he left, he turned and said, ¨When are you going to tell everyone about your horrible singing voice. It sounds awful.¨ And left.

Wait a minute.. How the hell does he know!?

You know what, I don't have the time for this.

I stared at the bloody blade on my floor, and the rest of my blades on the desk. Patton probably thought Deceit was still with me, so he didn't bother taking them all away.

I picked them all up. One at a time.

But one of them was missing.

Where could it have...

I stared at the note from Roman in my trash.


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