Chapter 1- Why Didn't I Lock The Door?

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Virgil's POV

TW: Panic Attack

I ran to my room and closed the door. I blinked. I know, that doesn't sound very important, but here me out. It looked like blackness was rising up, blocking out my vision. I tried to blink it away, but it kept rising. I started hyperventilating. Cold sweat poured down my face. I felt like cotton was being stuffed in my ears. All sounds were drowned out, except for my shaky breath. I slid down into the corner of my room, and slammed my head against the wall.

You're weak.


You should know how to deal with this by now.


You're a disgrace to Thomas, and to the other sides as well.

"PLEASE STOP!" I yelled. I shut my eyes and continued breathing heavily. I hated this. I hated it so much. I wanted it to end, but I didn't know how to stop it.

When I opened my eyes, the blackness was gone. My vision was still, however, very blurry. I could hear other sounds, such as the rain pattering against the window. But more importantly, I heard my door squeak open.

He was dressed in his usual black pants, polo, and blue tie. His glasses were slightly crooked, which was very unlike him. He looked as though he had taken a 5 minute nap. His voice, animated and cold but unusually emotional said-

"Virgil, are you okay?"

"What gave it away, Logan?"

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