Chapter 24: Do I... Feel? (Part II)

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So let's do a recap!


Logan's POV

I readied my knife..


And started cutting a piece of Virgil's hoodie.

Normal people do this.... right? I'm just showing my appreciation for Virgil by keeping something of  his close to me at all times..

Not creepy at all, Logan.

I'll probably keep it in my shirt pocket.. use it as a glasses cleaner...

If I had emotions, which is NOT possible, I wouldn't know how express them.. I guess this is the way I would do it.

This makes sense.

What if I really do have emotions?..

I tightened my grip on Virgil's hoodie sleeve.

¨Look,¨ I told myself, ¨Maybe I do feel.. something. But the answer is unclear.¨

What's making you comprehend this all of the sudden? A nagging part of my brain repeated.

Virgil... Virgil is making me comprehend this.

But why?

Then my door squeaked suddenly.

Virgil had entered

¨Hey Lo, I hope I didn't seem like I-¨

And then he screamed.

I was about to try to explain why I was cutting his hoodie, and then I realized something.

I put the hoodie back on and then I started cutting the sleeve. The sleeves are thick, so I wasn't worried.

But from Virgil's perspective...

It looks like I was cutting myself.



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