Good Morning

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***Charlie's Room***

Morning came with a bright sun and chirping birds.

The sunlight shone through the windows of Charlie's bedroom and onto her empty bed. She hadn't slept in it last night.

At the foot of her bed, on the floor, lay Charlie and her humanoid Autobot, BumbleBee. Or more affectionately to her, just Bee. The two laid there, cuddled in each other's arms. Bee was on his back, sleeping peacefully, his chest slowly rising up and down. His arms were wrapped around the beautiful girl who laid next to him, and hers around him too.

Well, to be more precise, she she laying on her left arm and her right arm was across Bee's chest. And her hand was right over Bee's heart. Quite a fitting spot for it considering how the two felt as they both confessed the night before.

The sleep wore off as Charlie began to stir, taking in and letting out a deep breath. Slowly she blinked her eyes opened to adjust it to the light. As she did, she felt the warm embrace of a certain humanoid holding her. She also saw the peaceful look on his face as he slept, which brought a smile to her face.

He looked so cute to her like this. So cute that she couldn't help but place a kiss on his jaw. As her lips connected to his cheek though, a light spark surged through that kiss and caused him to stir.

She smiled and watched him slowly open his eyes, groaning a little before taking in a deep breath that turned into a yawn.

Charlie giggled at the sight of her BumbleBee waking up. And that giggle caught his attention, making him look down at her through his groggy eyes. The mere sight of her made brought a sleepy smile to his face. It was the smile on her face that really did it. Bee loved seeing her smile. It gave him that warm feeling inside.

"Hey!" He said, his voice a little hoarse from just waking up. "Morning."

"Morning to you too, Sleepyhead!" Charlie replied, humming against his chest. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good." Bee bobbed his head before shyly saying the next sentence. "Honestly, I felt a lot better with you next to me."

That made Charlie's heart take a beating. Her smile disappeared behind her lips as she suppressed another giggle. "Well, same here, Bee."

She then unexpectedly placed a kiss on Bee's lips which woke him up COMPLETELY now.

He immediately remembered how good this felt as he remembered the night before when both he and Charlie had danced, and when they had told one another about their feelings. And even though this was his third kiss with her, it still felt special. And she felt special to him too. Like a precious flower that he didn't want to be crushed by anything.

Well, his "flower" was enjoying this as much as him.

Finally, the kiss broke and the two came up for air. Bee laid his head back and faced the ceiling as he caught his breath while Charlie's head went back to it's spot on his chest that was steady rising up and down. She could hear his elevated heartbeat vibrating through his chest and onto her cheek. It made her feel tingly all the ways down to her toes.

It was too early for Charlie to be feeling like this, and yet, it didn't matter to her. Bee, her Bee, yes, HER Bee as she claimed him in her mind, had this certain effect on her that gave her tingles all over but also made her feel whole. Like he was the piece of her life she didn't know she needed....a piece of her that was lost with her her father dying......was now back somehow with Bee in her life. And it felt good.

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