Blending In

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Ok, so by now you probably noticed this story follows the BumbleBee movie but with a few changes for obvious reasons. And you may have also noticed that Charlie is a bit emotional with Bee. And that's because she sees herself in him a lot. Someone who's alone with no friends and is struggling to get by. So I think that's a real good base for them to build on. Now, we're gonna see Bee and Charlie at the beach working on hiding skills! Let's get into this!!!



Before going to sleep herself, she leaned further off her bed, holding herself up with one of her arms and kissed his cheek.

"I'll take care of you. My little BumbleBee," She whispered.

She went to bed with a smile that night. Happy with this new responsibility that she had. As did Bee, who was excited to start a new chapter in his life. If he even had one. And it was with this girl, Charlie. The two of them, together.


***Charlie's Room, Five Hours Later***

Bee woke up feeling energized and ready to take on a new day. Sitting up, he looked around and remembered that he fell asleep in a human's bedroom last night. A female human.

He stood up and looked at her on the bed. She looked so peaceful and calm. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't want to wake her to do it.

Then he heard a small beep. He looked to the side to see a clock on her bedside table. It was 5:37 AM. Maybe it was a bit early. But he was awake and fully energized.

'Maybe I'll wait in the garage,' he said to himself.

So he walked around the bed to the bedroom door and looked back at the sleeping Charlie. A smile came to his face before he headed down to the garage without anyone noticing.


***Three Hours Later***

At 8:00 AM, the alarm clock blared until Charlie turned it off.

Charlie stretches as she woke up. Instantly, the memories from last night came back to her. Including the sleeping humanoid alien on her floor.

"Morning Bee," She said as she looked over the bed to see nothing but an empty sleeping bag.

Ok, this worried her a bit. Where was he?

'Maybe he's in the garage,' she said to herself. She was mainly trying to calm herself down.

She head downstairs and and saw her little brother and Ron at the table eating.

"Morning!" She greets, "See you guys later."

"Where're you off to so fast?" Ron asked curiously.

Charlie had made a routine of waking up at a certain time and going her way, but never this early.

"Nowhere," she smiled as she opened the door to the garage, "Have a nice day!"

Ok. Now the two were extremely shocked.


More Human Than Machine(CharBee)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora