Three's A Crowd

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HEYO!!!!!! I'm back on my CharBee ship and we are CRUISING!!! I got a big one for ya here, and I hope you guys enjoy!


After having their tender moment together, Charlie and Bee went back to testing the radio.

Now, back in his robot form, he was surfing through radio channels.

"Bee, you gotta chose a station, man!" Charlie suggested with a laugh as she stood there, looking up at his robotic eyes. "I know there's a lot."

As Bee kept on surfing, Charlie noticed that his robotic eyes made it look like he was focusing on something. "What're you trying to do?" She asked herself.

Suddenly, his train of thought was broken by knocks and the side door to the garage opening and a boy walking in.

Charlie's eyes went wide in fear for Bee as she recognized the intruder almost immediately. It was the boy from across the cul-de-sac.

It looked like he was about to say something but froze when he saw BumbleBee standing there in his robot form.

Bee was so focused that he almost didn't notice until Charlie gasped and saw the boy standing at the door. Though shocked he was, Bee quickly transformed into a car. Just like he and Charlie had practiced.

Charlie on the other hand speed-walked to the boy to grab him before he could run out and sat him down on a stool, and closed the side door.

"Please don't scream, ok?!" She pleaded. He was hyperventilating. "It's ok. It's ok. Just breathe. Breathe."

The boy slowly began to follow her instructions, still looking back to the spot where, now, a VW Beetle sat.

"There ya go. Ok, first of all, hi! I'm Charlie."

"I'm Memo, hi!" the boy replied in a high pitched voice, obviously still nervous to the bone.

"Hi, Memo.'s nice to meet you."

The boy smiled nervously, still breathing deeply and looking back at the Beetle.

"Now I know what you saw was a little crazy. I can explain."

Memo looked back to her now with an expression that was mixed with fear, expectancy, and confusion. But he still waited.

Charlie wanted to, but she didn't exactly know how to break it down to someone else. She wasn't as scared as Memo when she first saw Bee transform. But then again, it's not uncommon for a person to act like Memo. Unless they were a girl and just screamed. Then there'd be a panic and it'd REALLY be a mess.

Looking at the Beetle, she tried to find the words, but still couldn't. "Yeah, I can't explain. But here's the thing, if you tell anybody about what you just saw, I'm gonna have you over with my car!"

That was intense. At that moment, that shocked Memo to where he stopped hyperventilating. "Jeez."

"That was.." Charlie shook her head as she realized that might've been a little too far. "I don't mean that in a mean way, ok? But, what I'm saying is that no one, NO ONE can know what you just saw...OK? You promise?!"

Looking at the Beetle once more and back to Charlie, Memo replied, "Yeah." hoarsly.

"Okay." Charlie was momentarily relieved as she turned to Be and tried to prepare herself for whatever happened next. "BumbleBee, you can come out now."

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