Walking Brings Back Memories

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Ok, here we go. Chapter 4 in the house!!! This is gonna be shorter than the last ones, but still important and loaded with CharBee goodness. So let's get into this!!!



After practicing a few more times, Bee and Charlie went for a walk through the forest. At first, he was in his giant robot form. But he really wanted to get the feel of the nature around him, so Bee detransformed into his humanoid form.

"Sucks being couped up in a VW all day, huh?" Charlie inquired, "Or a giant robot."

Bee nodded and shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, kinda. But it has its perks, I guess. Don't have to walk everywhere."

That made Charlie laugh, which made him laugh too.

"I guess that's true. But your memories, I can't imagine what it must be like to not know who you are."

Bee's face turned to a somewhat sad face. "Yeah."

"Is there.. anyone can help you?" Charlie asked, "Do you have a family?"

"What do you mean?" Bee asked back.

"You know, like a mom, dad, siblings. You all love each other. Or drive each other crazy and you can't wait to get away and start your own life."

Her emotions were so in flux, she didn't see Bee shake his head.

"Not really. Ok, well...I think I have somewhat of a brother. Kinda. His name's Hot Rod. He's been my friend since- Ah!"

He didn't get to finish his sentence when a light blinked on his suit. Something was wrong with him.

"What's wrong?" Charlie asked with genuine concern.

"I don't know. Hang on."

Bee huffed and his robotic suit started to transform him back into his giant robot form.

When he was fully transformed, he felt an electric surge under his left fender. He felt at it, but he couldn't get under it.

"Do you want me to see if I could fix it?" Charlie asked. But Bee slightly backed away, still afraid of her tools. Fortunately, she knew this. "I'll be gentle, I promise."

Even though his fear was still there, he knew she was telling the truth. He knew that she cared for him, and wouldn't hurt him.

So he sat down and waited as she pulled out her tools from her backpack. Using a wrench, she took off his left fender to find a big hole underneath.

"Whoa!" She exclaimed. "You lay down, okay?"

The young humanoid complied. Charlie came back and reached into the whole and felt around. "Hold still. I think maybe there is something..."

She didn't get to finish her sentence when a surge went through Bee and his entire mechanical body jolted. It made Charlie jump back and watch a hologram materialized above Bee.

Charlie was both confused and curious. She didn't know what this was, but it was forming what looked like another robot. Only this one was blue, red, and had a weird shaped head.

Then, it spoke!

"B-127, (glitching speech)- I pray this message finds you-(glitching words)–our war rages on. (glitching speech ) - Planet Earth–(glitching speech)–survival! Your mission -(glitching words)- soldier—-I-I."

Then the transmission ended and the hologram shut down.

When it fully disappeared, Charlie looked back down at Bee, still confused as to what that was.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Before he could answer, Bee detransformed back into his humanoid form and the look on his face was mixed with shock and awe.

"Bee, who-who was that? That voice, he said something about a...a war."

The young humanoid nodded as he sat up and held his head. "Yeah, he...he did."

"Do you remember anything?"

Bee thought really hard until his eyes widened with a look of revelation.. "I do. I-I do!"

Then Charlie's face became happy for her friend. "Oh my god, really?! What do you remember?"

It wasn't much, but it was a little something.

"Um...I was sent here," he stuttered, "To do something. Yeah!..um...kinda like a-a-a job, ya know?"

"You mean a mission?"

"Yes, yes! That's it! A mission. It was for the people from my planet! I was supposed to....to.....I-I can't remember."

"Is the VW beetle is some kind of disguise?"

"Yeah. Yeah I think so. Mainly for you and your planet."

"Are you hiding from something?"

Once again, Bee shrugged his shoulders in despair and shook his head. "I don't know."

Charlie was really worried now. Her friend had finally gained a bit of hope, only to have it tossed away. "Are you scared?" She asked tenderly.

At that moment, Bee broke down crying. He slowly nodded his head as tears started to fall from his eyes.

But he was cared for when Charlie hugged him close and whispered, "Don't worry. It'll be ok, Bee. I'm here for you," into his ears and kissed his cheek.

The humanoid alien sniffled and cried into Charlie's shoulder as she held him.

"Let's go home, Bee."

Bee nodded against her as they broke apart. He stood as Charlie walked back to her backpack, gathered all of her things and strapped it back on.

Then they headed back hand in hand, with Charlie still full of care for Bee.


Well, that's it. Hope you guys didn't cry...too much that is. LOL!!! Sorry, but this story is something that takes a bit of time. Plus, I'm working on other stories as well. But trust me, I'll always make it back. Eventually. So I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I'll see ya in the next chapter. NINJA-BOY OUT!!!

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