Part 11: Bad Church Day pt.2

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The streets were empty, with a sound of a raging bike that could be heard from the distance, a soft light traveling through the town. As the cold breeze of night runs on Sid's face, he could already feel the menacing aura that came seeping through the air from the church that he went to the other day.

30 Minutes ago

Sid: So could anyone tell me what happen exactly to Sister-San? And why Issei is so persistent to the part that he try to disobey his master?

The friendly atmosphere suddenly disappear and replaced by a serious air around the club room.

Kiba: Two days ago, Issei received a contract to a certain house. What he didn't know the person who ordered was murdered.

Sid: Let me guess? The person who murdered his customer was the reason behind all of this?

Kiba: not quite, you see. The danger of Devil's Contract is that you'll never know who's on the other side of the call. And the worst thing that could happen is that you'll encounter devil's enemies. The order of the church.

Sid: So he was ambushed?

Kiba: Except, it was only 2 people. A single priest and that sister.

Sid: I think I might've known where this is going.

Issei: after that day, Asia and I met again at the park when I was exercising. I took her around town just for her to be abducted by the fallen angels later in the afternoon. I... I couldn't do a single thing!

Sid: I see... I get where this is coming from. And as I already said. I'm willing to help ya buddy!

Issei: Sid!

Koneko: we'll be troubled if you forget about us too, Issei-Senpai.

Issei: of course not! Let's go then!

Sid: We'll meet up in half an hour. Don't engage until I've come.

Kiba: What are you planning, Sid?

Sid: I'll create a diversion.

30 minutes later

Sid could feels Issei and co presence behind the trees and bushes. And they also could hear Sid's engine firing at the distance. Sid travel at a great speed and without hesitation, Sid does a wheelie and jump through the glass!

Sid: Hey! Hey! Hey! Looks like I'm late for the Night preaching!

As Sid scans through the room, there is only one person standing at the podium, the young priest he met a few days ago. Freed Sellzen.

Freed: if it isn't the devil hunter himself! What brings you to my humble church?

Sid: I don't see any audience. Where's everybody?

Before freed could answer Sid's question, Issei and co bust in to the room.

Freed: well, we meet again! Shitty devils. I'm touch by our reunion!

Sid: you guys met him before?

Issei: that's the reason we come here to begin with. Where is she!

Freed: by she, who could that be?

Issei: you know who I mean freed!

Freed: to be reunited again with you guys, you know? I'm very strong and after you guys came up and beat me. It hurt my pride, ya shitty devils.

Up from his sleeves, he pulled out what it seems to be a silver gun with a holy engravings from his left hand and a handle of a sword that when turned on spout a blade made of light from it.

Instinctively, Kiba draws his blade too. With the tension in the air rising Sid stops them from fighting Freed.

Sid: You guys go on to the chamber beneath the church! The stairs leading to it is under the podium!

Freed: You piece of- how did you know there was a. chamber!

Sid: I thought I might do some investigation when Asia showed me around the church. You wouldn't expect me to do some digging aren't you?

Issei: so you already know about all of this all along?

Sid: quite much. I have some leads that this very church is the Fallen Angels hideout. When you think about it. There aren't that many place to stay hidden. And church is the only option you could think of because devils wouldn't dare to come and when you said this was the only church in town, it erases all do my doubt that this is the place. Of course I can't just stroll around here without any reason because it would raise a suspicion. That's where Sister-San came in place. How the luck favors the bold. You guys are already lost ever since you met this devil hunter. Now that I've explain how you lost. Surrender and I shall spare your life, Strayed Priest. Freed!

Sid then draws the rebellion replica from his back and pointing towards Freed.

Freed: So what if you just know tiddy tiny information just like that , Huh!?

Freed then lunge forward to Sid at a great speed in sudden!

Sid: I'll take that as a no then...

Sid then also lunges forward with His blade ready to stab the priest. And at the exact moment he stab the priest in a powerful thrust, Stinger.

Freed: Too Slow, HAHAHA!

Of course Freed notices Sid's obvious movement that he was going for the thrust. Freed then cancel his movement and move slightly to the side and dodge the thrust by hair thin. He sees this opportunity as an opening for an attack and going for the downward slash at Sid's left shoulder.

Freed: Good Bye! Hahahaha

With a slight grin on his face, Sid firm his footing and the obvious thrust slowly blurring out and becoming what looks like an afterimage. The cocky freed doesn't realize that that a barrage of thrusts has been touching his body for a while now, Million Stab. And by the time he realize it, he was already bleeding out to the ground barely standing.

Freed: You bastard! I'll remember this!

Sid: whatcha gonna do? You can't even hold a fight with me? So probably nothing right?

Freed then reach for his sleeve and pulled out a black marble. Sid who was letting his guard down doesn't see what he was pulling out from his sleeve. And then freed throw the marble to the floor and the room was flashed by a blinding light. Freed wasn't there anymore when the light subsided.

Sid: After this just let Issei and friends do the work for me.

With Issei and co already off to the chamber, Sid then sit on one of the bench and found a magazine and proceed to entertain himself with it.

Devil May Cry side story: Sid Redgrave (DMC x DxD x HI3 fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now