Part 4: Downfall pt.2

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Beep beep beep beep

Another day with his alarm went off to fill his room in the morning. And as usual stuff Sid do: Bath, Uniform and breakfast. This time his break fast is different. Toast, eggs and bacons with orange juice on the side.

Sid: Glad to make that report on time. And as a bonus of no casualties, extra payment.

He look through his bank account on his phone. A hefty amount of money flows ot his account, 250k Yen. But it got cut for the month's rent for 150k Yen and left him with 100k Yen, about 920 dollars.

Sid: man... Running this Devil Hunter business is hard. Now I understand why Dante keep complaining about not having enough missions.

As his mind drifting away in thinking about running the office, Sid doesn't realize the clock on him is also running but late.

Sid: Ah shizzle! I'm late!

After washing the dishes he then rushes to the front door and then start mad dashing to the school for he is about to come late. But turns out he is not, the clock on the office is just out of batteries.

As he walk down the hallway and to the stairs to get to his class he see Issei with his 2 best buds, matsuda and Motohama.

Issei: you guys seriously doesn't remember anything about my girlfriend Yuuma-Chan?

Matsuda: like we said, if we remember that would be out of blue moon if you were to get a girlfriend

Issei: c'mon stop fooling around man, I even got her contact- gone! Her contact in my phone is gone!

Matsuda: yeah, it can't be gone if its not even exist in the first place

And then amidst their chitter chatter came pass a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue eyes, Her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair, that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand (known in Japan as ahoge) sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face, with Kuoh High girl's uniform which consists of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt , with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes over white crew-length socks, Rias Gremory.

The school idol walk pass the Bunch with such elegance that they froze in the moment to admire her beauty.

Matsuda & Motohama: Damn, its Rias-Senpai! She is as beautiful as ever!

Both matsuda and Motohama doesn't catch the glance but Rias smiled towards Issei when she walk pass by him. Sid who notices just rolls his eyes to the sides when looking at Issei's reaction to her.

Motohama: Even her smell is good!

Matsuda: Issei you sure you ain't gone coockoo because of your fantasies?

Issei: Don't count me in with you two bastards! I'm sur-

Matsuda: alright we get it just come to my place after this. We're going to watch my special collection. P-

Right before matsuda going to shout pron DVDs Sid quickly clamps his mouth shut to let the girls from his class pass through the stairs.

Sid: geez man! Tone it down a bit will ya? I get why you're excited just don't shout it out. This is why you'll never attract any girls.

Matsuda: Coughs you're right Sid. Thanks for the follow up!

Sid: no prob! Welp you guys have fun with your binge watch. I have something to do!

Devil May Cry side story: Sid Redgrave (DMC x DxD x HI3 fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now