part 8: Innocent Power

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Its was Sid's morning routine Bath, Uniform, And breakfast. And after he closes the front door of the office and lock it shut, he walk to the school. The day is Friday, his favorite day of the week because there aren't much class going on in the morning so the road o school isn't crowded as your usual working days. Along the road he see a lot of kids playing at the nearby playground. They are running and laughing cheerfully until one of them tripping over and hurt his knee. Sid doesn't look very concern about it because he felt that event is something of a lesson to learn for the kid. But from around a corner a familiar face came around to help the kid. It was the nun Sid met about two or three weeks ago when he was first transferred to this town.

Sid: isn't that sister-San? Yeah that's sister-San! Oi! Sister-San!

Sid excitedly call out the sister he knows. On his fast walk he see the other familiar face following the sister, Issei.

Asia: Ah! Redgrave-San! Good morning!

Issei: Sid! Didnt expect to cross road with you.

Sid: I always go through this road though

The kid who fell cries in pain but then Asia the Sister kneels down to comfort the kid while patting his head.

Asia: Its just a scratch so don't cry. A boy shouldn't cry easily.

And then when the cry finally stops Asia then put her hands above the part where it hurts and the rings on her fingers starts glowing. Of course this put Sid and Issei on a surprise to see an individual who holds a power. The scratched knee slowly healed thanks to the power of the rings.

Issei: the injury!

Sid: ho? Interesting...

But when the rings aura starts dispersing lightly to the air Sid notice Issei is holding his left hand because of something.

Issei: Ugh!

Sid: whoa! You okay dude?

and then when the sister finished healing the injured kid Issei's discomfort also gone.

Issei: yeah, I'm okay. I just felt something... No biggies

Asia: see? The scratches are now gone! Its okay now!

The kid then stands up and bow his head to thank the kind Sister. After that little event Sid join in on their walk.

Sid: so? Where are we heading?

Issei: nah i just want to show Sister-San here the way to the church.

Sid: wait you're still looking for yeah church until this day sister-San?

Asia: well... Hehehe....

Issei: still? Have you two met before?

Sid: yeah. About a few weeks back when I first moved into town. She was also asking for he direction to the church.

Asia: its not that Redgrave-San. The truth is... I'm lost. You see I'm not very good at remembering and I'm also a klutz when it comes to direction, so...

Sid: Is that so?

Asia: yes.

With the direction of conversation going smoothly Issei see's a chance to ask about what happened back at that injured boy.

Issei: ano... About that boy...

Asia: yes! You must be surprised see it right?

Issei: aha, well you do have an incredible power huh?

Asia: its an incredible power given by The Lord

With a bright smile Asia lightly replied to Issei.

Devil May Cry side story: Sid Redgrave (DMC x DxD x HI3 fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now