Chapter 9: Andy's POV

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Robert walked back into the room after his secret phone call he took, I was skeptical because there was something he wasn't telling me but I trusted him. He acted all weird when he came back.

"H-hey I'm sorry I need to go- do something." He said nervously before rushing out the door.

He didn't even give me the chance to kiss him goodbye before he was gone, but it was okay. Even though he was being standoffish and secretive, I trusted him. The only thing that holds a relationship together is trust. I just had to keep telling myself to trust him.

I was bored so I decided to call my best friend, Maya.

Maya: Hey Andy! Is everything okay? Do you need anything.

Andy: Y-yeah everything's perfectly fine.. I was just wondering if you would want to come to the hospital? Since you have a day off and everything.

Maya: Oh yeah, today was actually Carinas day off too! I could bring her if that's okay with you? She can visit her brother and coworkers as well if you want one on one time.

Andy: Oh uh.. I'm sorry i'm interrupting your date day. Roberts acting secretive and I need someone to talk to but you should get back to your hot Italian date.

I said with a smirk even though she couldn't see it through the phone.

Maya: Andy, of course I'll be there for you. Carina agreed to come, she'll just get some crappy hospital coffee for us and we'll call it a date! As long as you're okay third wheeling on this so called date haha.

Andy: What in the world did I do to deserve you?

Maya: I don't know.. I guess god just blessed you. Anyways I'll see you in 30 minutes tops.

Andy: Okay, see you soon!

I hung up the phone, feeling bad I was interrupting her "date day."

Thinking about relationships makes me sad because, if Robert had not pushed me away the night we got back from the wild fire, we might be having a "date day" today too. Now he was being standoffish and I don't know what to think. Was the phone call Dixon? Did someone in the department find out about us? Did he learn some critical news that would effect our relationship? I couldn't get answers from the back of my mind so, I'll have to talk to Robert about it tonight.

Maya knocked on my door before she walked in, interrupting my thoughts, which made me even more grateful to have her. Carina followed her in the room.

"Hey! We were just strolling in the neighborhood and decided to pop by." Maya joked.

"I'm sorry for ruining your date day."

"It's okay. We're happy to come." Carina reassured me.

Maya looked up into Carinas eyes and softly kissed her lips while Carina wrapped her arms around her. I wish Robert was here. All I want to do is kiss him. Hopefully he'll be back later today.

"So, what's going on at the station? Everything staying in tact? Everyone alive?" I asked.

"Yes everything's good, we miss you though." She replied, frowning.

"How's Travis? Vic? Jack? Is Jack getting along okay being the only leuitenent again?"

"Yeah he's doing okay.. you make him better though so heal real quick."

"Okay, i'll try."

"And what about you Carina... any... babies?" I asked trying to make conversation with my best friends second favorite person.

"Uhm.. yes, I deliver baby's.. a.. lot."

"Well that's cool."

We sat in silence for a bit until Maya spoke.

"So.. have you started physical therapy yet?"

"Yeah.. I actually did some today."

"That's good! How are you feeling."

"Better! I'm hoping to return to work soon after my doctor clears me!"

"That's gr-"

Robert ran in running, screaming.

"A-Andy I need your help! C-Can someone come help me?! Bishop? Bishops girlfriend? I need help now!!"

Maya looked me in the eyes so I tilted my head through the door and she ran out with Robert.

A Love Like No Other: Surrera's StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum