Chapter 8: Roberts POV

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Hey, i'm so sorry I haven't updated recently.. i've been really busy (which ik, sounds crazy with t he whole quarantine thing; btw i hope everyone is staying safe and healthy) and also my mental health is going 📉📉📉 so anyway that's all ahah.

As soon as I answered the phone, she started yelling.

Diane: It's Diane. Where are you?! I'm at your house.

Robert: Oh, I'm visiting a friend. I didn't know you were coming so early in the day.

Diane: You didn't know I was coming!? I thought he told you I was coming? Today.

Robert: No, you told me you were coming at 5pm today.

Diane: Oh, well.. Abraham told me he told you we were coming at 10:30. We were even a bit late.

Robert: No, Mom, remember? I talked to you yesterday? I never talked to Abraham. Mom, Dad died 7 years ago.

Diane: No! No! That's not true! I talked to Abe last night before we went to bed! He kissed me goodnight.

Robert: Mom, he died years ago, Dad died 7 years ago. From a stroke.

Diane: Yeah but Abe kissed me last night! I could feel his touch.

Robert: That's just your memory, Mom. You're sick, that's why I asked you to come see me today.

Diane: I feel perfectly healthy! None of my bones are broken.

Robert: No, you're not physically sick, you have dementia Mom.

Diane: No! No! No. No I do not. Don't put those crazy ideas into Abraham's head. Is that why he's been treating me differently? Did you do something? I knew it! You're always up to something. You told Abe I was sick which was why he left.

Robert: Mom, Dad left 38 years ago, he enlisted in the army, remember? You were so sad but he wanted to fight. You still had me though, and he returned!

Diane: No, he left last night. He left me all alone.

Robert: Well you have me, you'll always have me.

Diane: I want Abraham to come back!

She yelled, and hung up.

I was afraid of her being alone when she was in this mindset.

My dad left, for the army, 38 years ago when I was just a baby. I grew up without seeing him much, until I was 10. I remember my mom being super upset that he left. It wasn't that she was mad, it was that she was worried. She was worried he wouldn't make it back in one piece, or alive at all. When he came back 10 years later, he wasn't the same. He had severe PTSD and couldn't sleep some nights, but my mom stayed with him. She would make him feel better when he got flashbacks. He had a stroke when I was 31 and died. It broke me and my mom, after he lived through everything it was maddening that one blood clot ended his life.

My mom was diagnosed with dementia about a year ago and it has only gotten worse. She needs around the clock care, but the thing is, she lives in Germany. Germany is where she grew up and after my dad died she left the United States and moved back to be with her other family.

I don't know how I would tell the love of my life I might be moving to Germany.

*I'm sorry this chapter is so short, and also Sullivan's mom & dad are loosely based on my favorite teachers from elementary school:)*

A Love Like No Other: Surrera's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora