Chapter 18 - A Door and a Key

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Even though they'd been waiting for this very moment, the surprise was evident upon the expressions of Daziran, Yase, and Otter.

It was the half-sleeping Karlar who staggered across the room and opened the door. His courteous smile vanished in the wake of the woman standing on the other side. Two solemn eyes sat either side of a long beak of a nose. She wore a kaelvi, the long green robe embroidered with Eleven golden symbols of the Hekkari Gods. This marked her not as a Soulbonder, but-

"Another Stargazer," Ezil said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Bandor sat up, peering over his sister's shoulder.

"Tershar," Karlar said, exasperated, "What are you doing here?"

"You're a follower of the dragon, correct?"

"That's correct."

"Well, I am the same to Mistress Valera."

Before he could think of an appropriate response, the new Stargazer stepped through the doorway, revealing another figure behind her.

The next person was a dark-haired woman with a pointed chin, hollow cheeks, and high cheekbones. Shale had never seen such a sharp, angular face. Her dark brown skin had a slightly golden hue, indicating that she was likely mixed race. Perhaps Armaethau and Kalavosi, but it could also be more complex.

Frowning, the woman stepped inward and analysed the other occupants.

Daziran who'd always seemed so composed before, suddenly appeared to be nervous. "Valera. Uh, glad you could make it."

"Yes," Yase said. "Good to see you, Valera."

"Well met, Raven," Otter said, before giving a tiny bow.


That meant this woman, Valera, was a Ravenbonder.

"Hello," Valera said to no one in particular.

Daziran didn't put an arm around her shoulder. In fact, he didn't even approach her. Instead, he gestured around the room, giving everyone the most cursory of introductions.

Valera showed Karlar, Ezil, and Bandor a quirk of her mouth, barely hiding her disinterest. On Shale, her gaze lingered for a few seconds longer, which, considering the intensity of it, felt like minutes. Those eyes seemed to lay her bare, before skipping back to Daziran. "I see you've kept yourself busy this past decade. Apprentices, eh? Following in Varzic's footsteps, are we?"

"I try my best."

"Well, your choice to involve me in this farce better be explained."

"I thought you might have ignored my letter."

"If it wasn't for Tershar convincing me otherwise, I probably would have. You wrote that it was a matter of life or death. I hope that's true."

Tershar and Karlar exchanged a look, seeming to communicate something in glances alone.

"I can assure you, Valera," Daziran said, his expression hardening, "If anything, I have underplayed the seriousness of our situation. If you will take a seat, I'd be happy to explain everything."

"Very well."

The Ravenbonder and female Stargazer ambled over to the low trestle table and hardwood seats, before lowering themselves down. They sat in partial isolation from the rest of the company.

Daziran walked to the middle of the room, where everyone had a clear view of him, then he addressed them as a whole. "Firstly, I want to begin by thanking everyone for coming. I know some of you had a long journey to get here and I appreciate that."

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