Chapter 17 - Reunion

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Daziran sauntered across the room and opened the door.

Standing on the other side of the doorway was the biggest man that Shale had ever seen in her life, including those in the city. He had to be almost seven feet tall. Either he was a giant or at least closely related to one.

The man's mouth unfolded beneath a walrus moustache into a wide grin. He stormed through a frame which barely fit him, then enfolded Daziran in a tight embrace. Cringing, Shale thought it a miracle that the act didn't snap every bone in her uncle's body.

The newcomer was Carsenati. That much was clear from his skin, tinged by the golden hue of olive oil. Messy tangles of red hair fell to either side of his shoulders. His facial hair was divided into thick sections, as a moustache, mutton chops, and a tuft on his chin. His attire was drab and simple. He wore a plain roughspun tunic and tan breeches.

"Good to see you too, Yase," Daziran said in a strained voice.

"Sorry, Daziran." Yase let him go. "Sometimes I forget my strength."

"That's quite alright," Daziran said. Though his demeanour suggested the opposite. He was keeled over, supporting himself on his knees as he caught his breath. "Goodness, it's been a while since I felt that crushing sensation in my chest." Rising, he attempted to bring an arm around the big man, but as he was unable to reach his shoulders, he settled for his upper back.

"Glad to know I was missed," Yase said.

"Oh, immensely so. Now come on. First and foremost, introductions are in order." He guided the big man over to the bar. "This is Karlar. Please try not to break him. He's very useful to me."

"Uh, hello," Karlar said.

"Try not to look so frightened, Karlar. Yase is more hairy than he is harmful."

"A Stargazer," Yase said, taking him in. "I never took you for a pious man, Daziran Kavori."

"You're never too far gone to seek the light."

"But some are too far gone for the light to seek them."

"My apologies," Karlar said, rising from his stool, attempting to conquer his intimidation of the massive man. "It's very nice to meet you, Master Yase." He offered a hand. "I've heard much about you from Master Daziran."

"Only the good things, I hope." Yase's huge hairy paw swallowed the smaller proffered hand. "And I'm nobody's Master, Stargazer. But all the same, it's a pleasure and a privilege to be acquainted with one of your esteemed order."

"The pleasure is entirely mine."

"Come," Daziran said, guiding him away, "I'd like you to also meet my new apprentices."

"You've caught some fresh meat, eh?"

"Ripe and ready." Daziran brought the large man to the seating area. "Yase, this is Ezil and Bandor. They are siblings."

"Ezil and Bandor," he said, trying the names out. "Where did you dig this pair up from?"

"A few years ago, my studies took me to Orian. While Master Karlar and I were speaking to an apothecary, I suddenly felt my coin purse grow lighter. The strangest thing about the incident was that Karlar had his eyes to my back the whole time and there was no sign of thieves."

"At least thieves that were visible," Karlar said begrudgingly.

Bandor scratched his head and offered a nervous grin.

Shale was chuckling on the inside. She'd never heard the story of how their paths had first crossed.

"Say no more," Yase said. "Anyone bold enough to steal from Daziran Kavori may consider me a friend." He bowed to each of them in turn. "A pleasure to meet you both."

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