Chapter 17 - Reunion

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Bandor inclined his head.

"Nice to meet you too," Ezil said.

"This is Yase," Daziran said. "He's a childhood friend. He was an integral part of the original company of Soulbonders."

"Those trained by your father?"

"That's right. Yase is the world famous Bearbonder."

Ezil scanned him. It took her some time to take in all of the large figure, especially when standing so close. "I hardly think that the bonder part of that word is necessary."

There was a moment of silence. Then Yase threw back his head and roared with laughter. He pounded Daziran on the back. "Oh, that is a good one. Nice to be confronted by such honesty every now and then."

"Cheeky one, isn't she?" Daziran said as he stepped out of Yase's reach. "Believe it or not, I didn't even teach her that."

"A natural talent. I believe it. You were never half so clever." He turned. His face was still lined with laughter as he took Shale in with two huge eyes, like cut sapphires. "And what of this one? Is this another pupil which you plan to corrupt?"

"No. This one is family."

The laughter lines faded. "What?"

"Allow me to introduce my niece, daughter of-"

"Firefly." Yase slapped his forehead. "Curse of Tarshara, how did I not see it right away? But has it really been that long?"

"Time is like jelly. The tighter we try to grasp it, the more it tends to seep through our fingers."

"True words. Why you look just like your mother," Yase said, taking a knee. "It's like a memory, cut out and placed before us. It's so good to see you again, small one."

Shale blushed, unsure what to say to this man she barely knew, yet who spoke to her with such presumed familiarity. "It's nice to see you too... sir."

"Aye." The flicker of the corner of his mouth seemed to indicate that he found the address amusing. He turned back to Daziran. "So, are you going to tell me what this is all about?"

"You mean besides to enjoy the pleasure of my company?"

"Aye, that's nice and all, don't get me wrong. But that letter was a touch unexpected. Meet in Tumble, during the Changing, under the cover of night? Serious matters to discuss? Now I find a niece, a Stargazer, and two Orian apprentices here as well. It's like the set up to a bad jest." He leaned in. "Care to tell me the punchline, Kavori?"

"That will come in due course. More important matters must come before our impending doom."

"And what matters are those?"

"Why, to share a drink and a laugh with an old friend."

"Oh, Daziran, you scoundrel. That's all you needed to say."

"Come on. I've got a barrel of that Mirrloshi Stout reserved just for you. I trust your tastes haven't changed?"

"My thirst has grown if that counts."

They settled down by the bar, on the stools, then poured themselves a couple of drinks and caught up. In the years since the pair had last seen each other, the Bearbonder had apparently gone to the Eloronian countryside to the far north, in the Gomadern Hills, to help run a farm with his cousins. He regaled them with dozens of humorous stories and mishaps from his time there.

"-so that's how I caught him with egg on his face, quite literally. Anyway, once I found those curly golden hairs in the coop, it was easy to figure out that Pernel was the one terrorising the hens all along. The little boy thinks he has the slyness of a fox, but in reality, he has the wits of a bumbeetle."

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