Clint x Tony

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Clint and Tony are dating but the avengers don't know that they are. Right now they are in battle and Clint is battling about 4 aliens. Then out of no where Clint is thrown a couple yards away. So when Tony notices that his boyfriend got thrown he went and killed the aliens.

Tony went back to his boyfriend and asked "Clint can you hear me baby?" The avengers got done killing the rest and noticed what he said. They looked at him weird. Clint was knocked out so Tony picked him up and flew to the tower. When they got there Tony went to the living room and waited for Clint to wake up.

After about 30 minutes he woke up and asked "Tones?" Tony looked at Clint and said "baby I'm right here." The avengers were there from when Clint woke up but didn't say anything. So Tony and Clint didn't know that they were there. When the avengers made there presents known the two were shocked.

The avengers asked questions but they were all at the same time so Tony said "quite down and one question at a time." Bruce started the questions and asked "when did you start dating?" Clint was too tired to answer so Tony did he said "about two years." That caused a uproar and when they quieted down Steve asked next. He asked "why didn't you tell us?"

Clint said "I didn't want to tell people I was afraid that we wouldn't be accepted." The avengers just hugged the two and said that they accept them.

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