18. Hours

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Me and Bella go home an hour before her school starts. We get ready for the day as fast as possible but she still ends up being an hour late.

"You come get me later so I can see mommy?" She asks standing in front of her classroom door." I nod "Of course, I'll be back at 3:30." I tell her. She hugs me before running into the room filled with kids her age.

On the way back to the hospital I pick up flowers and "get well soon" balloons for Ava. I'd never missed anyone as much as I did Ava.

I even missed the small things about her like her laugh and the way she rolls her eyes when someone says something stupid.

I get to her floor and see both Daniel and Tony. "Hey, how come you're both on shift?" I ask sliding the hospital door open. "We... wait!" Tony says stopping me from going in.

"I'm going to go sit this down I'll be right back." I tell hem gesturing to the vase full of roses in my hand. "Jaxson" Daniel says following me in.

Ava was gone and there was blood and broken glass all over the floor. I drop the vase looking at scene. "W-What happened? Where is she?" I ask the two guards. "We don't know. When we were switching shifts she started screaming and they took her out."

I was gone for three hours. What could possibly happen in three hours? "Where did they take her?" I ask both of them. This can't be happening again.

"We aren't sure. They wouldn't tell us anything." I walk out the hospital room and to the desk. "What happened to Ava?" I ask the nurse.

"Oh Mr. Ross,  I was just about to call you. They haven't gotten any information back out to us yet. We were only told to inform you that she's in emergency surgery."

Surgery? "Why does she need surgery?" I could feel my heart rate dropping. I just got her back this can't happen again. "I'm not sure sir."

"Well where's Dr. Elliot?" I ask her needing answers. "He's performing the surgery." She tells me. "So I'm supposed to just sit here and wait when I don't even know what happened to my wife? She was fine three hours ago."

The many possibilities of what could be wrong with her makes me feel sick. "I'm sorry sir, as soon as I get any information I'll come tell you."

That was her way of politely telling me to leave. I just nod and walk away. I pass right by Daniel and Tony and go back into Avas hospital room. It was a mess. The glass from the vase added to the glass already on the floor.

I can't worry about any of that right now. I sit down and hold myself back from tears. The longer I wait the more nervous I felt.

Five hours went by and I still hadn't heard a thing. I get so tired of just sitting her I clean up the glass and wipe all of Ava's blood up from the floor.

When 3:30 came I call Bella's school and ask to speak to her. "Hi daddy, are you coming?" She asks me. "Not right now princess. Mommys doctor said she needs to sleep for a little bit so she can come home faster and I have a meeting. You have to stay with your friends for a little while." I tell her.

"Okay, you come get me later when mommy wakes up?" "Yeah, I'll come get you in a little while." I tell her. I hate having to lie to her about something I don't even know the truth about.

Once another hour comes I decide to take matters into my own hands. No one has came by to even tell me if Ava was okay. I go back out to the front desk.

"You're going to have to tell me something." I tell the women. "Mr. Ross no one has came out to tell us anything yet. You're going to have to wait a little longer."

"I've been here for almost six hours, you're going to have to go find them and ask what's going on." I say. There's no reason I should have to sit for six hours straight clueless as to what is wrong with my wife.

"Look-" she starts but gets cut off. "Mr. Ross, I'm happy you're here." Dr. Elliot says walking up behind me. He takes off a face mask and his gloves. "What happened? Is she okay?" I ask and he laughs. I really find nothing funny.

"She went into labor." He says noticing my aggravated demeanor. "That's not possible, she's a month  early." I tell him. He nods "We think that her waking up so suddenly triggered an early labor."

"Well is she okay?" I ask and he nods. "She's very emotional right now. They'll bring her back to her room in a few minutes. My heart drops once again.

She's emotional for a reason. "The baby?" I ask and he nods. "They're doing all they can for him right now" "It's a boy" I say and he nods. "He's still alive?" I ask. "Yeah, the little guy is putting up a fight."

Suddenly all I can think about is my son. "Can I see him before anything major happens?" I ask the doctor. He nods "follow me." We go through many sections of the hospital just to get to him.

He was laying inside a small see through crib. There were two nurses in the room and a doctor I haven't met before. He was super tiny, but not as tiny as most premature babies.

The moment I looked at him I knew there was no way I could ever not claim him as my own. His skin is a very light color of blue and he has small tubes going into his nose giving him oxygen.

Even with a little blood covering him he was the most adorable baby. "Alright let's give him some privacy." Dr. Elliot says and the four of them leave the room. I get closer to him.

"Hi buddy!" I say to him and he opens his eyes at the sound of my voice. He has the same green eye color as his mom and sister. I stick my hand inside the crib to hold his tiny hand.

"You gotta fight just like your mom did. She's hurting because you are. We all are. Bella doesn't even know about you but she'll be so excited to meet you. You're a lucky kid. You get the best mom and big sister ever. I hope I can be the best father to you. You have to to fight though lil man."

I talk to my son who nine times out of ten doesn't even understand a word I'm saying. His lips twitch up into a smile and I can't help but do the same. "Ava's back in her room." Dr. Elliot walks in. I nod and use the route out to find the hospital room.

I find Ava balled up on the hospital bed crying. Thinking that maybe she is in pain, I rush over to the bed and touch her arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her concerned.

"My baby!" "He's okay, they're trying to help him right now." I tell her. "He?" she asks me and I smile and nod. "He's the most beautiful baby." I tell her.

"Is he okay?" She asks me sitting up. "He's a little sick because he was born early, but I'm sure he doesn't even notice. He was smiling." I tell her wiping the tears from under her eyes.

"What does he look like?" she asks me. "He has green eyes just like you and Bella, and his hair kinda matches Bellas." I tell her and she smiles.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone." I tell her taking her hand and sitting in the chair beside her bed. "It's okay! I only felt it for a little while, then they put me to sleep and I missed the whole thing."

"It's funny, I missed both your pregnancies." I tell her. "Yeah, but it's okay I missed one too." She laughs then instantly stops. "Ouch" she groans. "What's wrong?" I ask her not knowing if I should call for a nurse or not.

After she takes a few breaths she closes her eyes. "The cut hurts like hell." She tells me and I realize they had to give her a c-section. I unbutton her hospital gown where her cut is and rub my hand over her stomach as gently as possible trying to be some type of help.

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