36. Bad Intentions

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After getting back from the emergency room and police department we put both the kids to bed.

Bella's too afraid to be left alone so we both stay with her until she falls asleep in our bed.

We go back downstairs and sit at the table once she finally falls asleep.

"How'd he get in?" I ask Ava. She's been so quiet. I don't blame her, not after everything she's been through.

"I don't know, I just turned around and he was there."  She tells me with her head in her hands.

"Do you think I left the door open or maybe Bella?" I ask her. "I DON'T KNOW!" Ava yells and slams her fist down on the table.

It catches me off guard. I've never heard her raise her voice this loud before. She looks at me with realization and then tears fall from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" She tells me before standing up and walking into the living room. I couldn't tell if she was apologizing for yelling or for some other unspoken reason.

I don't understand what's going on with her. She won't answer any of my questions and each time I ask how she's feeling she lies and says that she's fine.

I wait a few seconds to get over my shock then I get up and follow after her. I find her sitting on the living room couch crying.

I sit beside her but she doesn't look my way. "Ava!" I say staring at her.

She sniffles before answering. "Yeah?" She still never looks my way. "Look at me, Ava." I tell her.

Her shoulder move up and down as she takes in and let's out a silent breathe. She turns to look at me and the eyes that matches my daughter reminds of the night Bella cried at the diner.

"Tell me what you're thinking about." I say to her calmly. "Jaxson, this is the second time Bella has had a gun to her head because of me."

I watch as more tears fall. "Do you know how many times I've put her in danger since she was born?" She asks me.

I stay quiet as she lets out all of her thoughts. "And now Avery, he can't even hold his head up yet and he could've been killed. I always fail to protect them."

"Ava!" I say interrupting her. "I'm not a good mother for them." She says with a sob.

"It's the exact opposite Ava. You love them more than anything on this earth. You're the perfect mother for them," I tell her.

"I can't keep them safe." "This is not your fault. None of it has been your fault Ava. You're just surrounded by people with bad intentions."

"Bad intentions?" She laughs while still crying. "They've all wanted me dead Jaxson." She tells me.

I bring her into a hug. "Yet here you are, you come out so much stronger every time. It's all almost over Ava. You just have to keep going."

"I don't know how much longer I can go." She tells me. "Okay, you rest I can take it from here."

"Jaxson!" She says with an evaluated tone. "Ava I know you've been through so much already, I promise you it's almost over."

"How do you know?" "Trust me?" I ask her and she nods. I kiss her forehead and she sits up. She wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Bella's definitely going to therapy." She says and I agree. "I was actual thinking about that..." I start off

"Okay?" "Maybe the both of you should go." I tell her. I expect her to be upset and yell. I know many people don't take it well when you suggest that they need therapy.

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