Momo x Jirou

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☕️Coffee Shop AU☕️

"Crap. I'm gonna be late."

Momo glanced down at the time on her phone with impatience as she walked quickly down the street, shoes thudding against the pavement in her haste.

It wasn't usually the norm for her to sleep past all three of her alarms, but apparently there's a first time for everything, and it was most certainly not fun.

She groaned aloud in annoyance, earning a weird look or two from the odd passerby, then sighed softly and forced herself to calm down.

'Okay. I have twenty minutes to get my morning coffee and get to class. But it's too late to go to my usual coffee shop, so... what do I do?!'

She grimaced as she checked the time again, and resorted to quickly scanning the area for any nearby coffee shops, very unwilling to go without her daily morning drink.

Slowly twisting around, she suddenly found herself standing in front of a quaint looking cafe, previously unnoticeable in the bustle of the big city. There was the pleasant aroma of freshly baked pastries drifting from the cracked open window, and Momo could vaguely make out a few stray people sitting at tables inside. She was immediately entranced.

'This could work.' Momo thought decisively. 'I have to fix my exhaustion somehow.'

She took a deep breath, glanced at her phone nervously one last time, and quickly strode forward, pushing the door open.

Stepping inside, she was instantly hit with bursts of color of all things. Upon further inspection, she noticed the various assorted colorful posters covering the walls. There was everything from popular heroes to famous bands, and Momo had half a mind to wonder who they all belonged to. Either way they made the place feel... lively, and intriguing. She liked that feeling.

Taking everything in, her eyes just so happened to next land on the absolutely gorgeous girl working the cash register. She was about a head shorter than Momo, with dark hair, dark eyes, and the typical 'goth' aesthetic radiating clearly off of her. And from just a glance, Momo instantly knew she was done for.

The blackette licked her lips nervously and hesitantly eyed the girl further, not expecting this but not hating it either.

She was leaning forward on her elbow with a slight scowl on her features, looking more tired to Momo than anything else. Behind her, a grinning blonde boy with a black streak in his hair was saying something while filling up a drink, his words making her slump even further down onto the counter, expression morphing into one of weariness.

Momo watched with interest as her eyes began to flicker around the cafe, moving from the posters to the tables and finally landing on the blackette herself, the newest presence in the room.

She felt her cheeks start to heat up when the girl's gaze stayed locked on her for what felt like just a moment too long, and suddenly realized how strange she must look simply standing in front of the door aimlessly.

She swallowed hard and walked up to the counter, watching as the girl immediately stood up straighter at her arrival.

'Jirou, her name is Jirou.' She thought fleetingly, holding back a smile as she got close enough to read the girl's nametag.

Arriving at the counter, Jirou broke the silence, stuttering slightly when she spoke.

"H-hi." Her face reddened slightly when they locked eyes for the first time, "What can I get you?"

Momo flashed her best smile, ignoring the sound of her heart beating loudly in her chest. "Just a coffee please."

Jirou cocked an eyebrow. "Any additions?"


"Damn. You drink your coffee black?"

"Hey! I'm tougher than I look." Momo teased with a smirk. Her previous apprehension was slowly starting to melt away.

Jirou grinned brightly at her response as she reached for an empty coffee cup, and Momo's heart caught in her throat at the dazzling sight.

"I'm sure you are." The shorter girl eventually responded with a wide grin and the same teasing lilt.

"Ey Jirou!" The blonde boy from before suddenly appeared at Jirou's side, slinging a casual arm around her shoulder. "Stop flirting and do your job for once."

Momo's eyes widened a fraction, and she couldn't stop the pink that spread across her cheeks at the blonde's words. With a glance at Jirou it seemed she was the same way.

The shorter girl groaned, looking away from them both with red cheeks.

"Shut up Kaminari. You're really one to talk with all the shit you get up to."

Kaminari ignored her in favor of directing his attention towards Momo. "Ooh," He said, "You are a cute one though. Jirou has nice taste~" He smirked and Jirou flushed even deeper.

"Oh go text your girlfriend or something!" She scowled and pushed him off angrily, causing him to stick his tongue out at her.

"Gosh. Fine. But I know you'll thank me later~" He disappeared into the back with a grin and Jirou sighed, still a little flustered.

"Sorry about him. He just shows up to be a dick sometimes." She found the courage to meet Momo's eyes again and the blackette couldn't help but admire just how pretty Jirou's eyes were up close, dark and intriguing. Momo could get lost in them for hours.

She waved a hand in dismissal, forcing herself to stay cool. "It's fine."

The dark eyed girl offered a tentative smile at her words and picked up her cup again, turning to fill it up.

Momo watched her, transfixed. She hesitated, then took a deep breath, mustered up all of her courage, and smirked. "Is it true though?"

"Is what true?" Jirou answered casually without turning around.

"Do you really think I'm cute?"

The shorter girl froze for a second, her flush coming back in a rage and spreading all the way to the tips of her ears.

For a moment, Momo thought she'd won. But then Jirou spun back around with a full drink and a wide smirk.

"I'll tell you for a kiss." She said nonchalantly, handing the drink to the blackette. It was accepted with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

Jirou laughed at Momo's bewildered expression. "Kidding! Kidding! Don't worry..."

A silence fell between them after that and Momo wondered if Jirou could hear the loud thudding of her heart against her ribs.

Suddenly she realized how long it'd been.

"Oh shoot!" She shot an apologetic smile at Jirou and grabbed her phone out of her pocket hastily. "I'd love to stay and talk but I really have to go. I forgot I was late..."

The shorter girl chuckled.

"That's fine." She replied coolly. "Just make sure to come back sometime okay?"

"Don't worry I definitely will!" Momo beamed and Jirou blushed, but smiled back.

It wasn't until she was already settled in class, just barely on time, that she noticed the call me- Jirou :) written in messy handwriting on the side of her cup, accompanied by a number scrawled underneath.

She stared for a moment, then smiled. Who knew a simple case of being sleep deprived could work out so well in the end?

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