Bakugou x Kirishima

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Bakugou was pissed. Royally pissed.

Of course Kirishima could convince him to come to the stupid "class 1A movie night" his idiotic classmates were holding. He'd agree to just about anything to see Kirishima's dumb but also kinda gorgeous smile,and he absolutely hated it.

Recently, every time he was around the shitty haired redhead his face would heat up randomly and his heart would beat inexplicably faster.

Just the other day they'd been studying together in Bakugou's room when Kirishima had asked him to look over his answers to a study guide. Grumbling a "fine", he'd reached over to grab the paper when Kirishima's hand brushed lightly against his.

Feeling sparks shoot up his fingertips at the contact, he'd fallen out of his chair in surprise making Kirishima snicker loudly.

Anyone other than Kirishima and he would have murdered them at that exact moment. But as he listened to the redhead's sweet sounding laughter and felt butterflies ignite in his stomach, he couldn't find it in him to be too mad.

Not only that, he'd also started to notice new, previously insignificant things about Kirishima too. Like the way his tongue would stick out adorably when he was deep in concentration, or how his eyes would crinkle at the corners whenever he smiled.

It was infuriating.

As far as Bakugou knew, these pathetic feelings had first cropped up after an incident following his fight with Deku, late at night.

Walking back to his dorm, he'd assumed Kirishima would be asleep. So he didn't know what he was thinking exactly when he'd knocked quietly on the redhead's door, and he certainly hadn't expected him to actually open it.

But alas, there Kirishima had stood, with sleep heavy eyes that were only half open as he gave Bakugou a tired once over, wearing an oversized Crimson Riot themed t-shirt and grey gym shorts.

His hair was down, but stray pieces stuck up all over the place, something the blonde would have found amusing if he wasn't so exhausted.

"Bakugou... what do you want its- hey, are you okay?" Kirishima asked groggily, a concerned look taking place on his features once he noticed Bakugou's beat up state.

He hadn't said a word, just stepped forward and wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around Kirishima, hugging him close as their breath intermingled and Bakugou felt the sting of tears blurring his vision- not for the first time that night.

The redhead didn't ask for an explanation, but quickly reciprocated the gesture, snaking his arms around Bakugou's waist and rubbing comforting circles into his back as the blonde cried into his shoulder for what felt like forever.

Bakugou didn't know how long they stayed like that for, but when he finally did pull away, Kirishima's shirt was stained with tears, and Bakugou felt better. Only a little better, but better nonetheless.

He felt something different then too. A warmth that spread through his body and bubbled up in his throat, leaving behind a pleasant buzz that felt foreign but familiar all at the same time.

Swallowing hard, he tried to shove the strange feeling down. But one look into Kirishima's eyes, clouded with concern and pain and something else Bakugou couldn't quite recognize, and the feeling forced its way back up with fervor.

Coming to realize how long they'd been standing there in silence, he snapped a quick "Tell anybody about this and you're dead," with his best attempt at intimidating the other boy despite having just cried into his shoulder for twenty minutes, and stalked off to his room, leaving behind a somewhat bewildered but mostly pitying Kirishima.

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