Dabi x Hawks

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"Holy fuck," Dabi breathed, slightly in shock at the sight before him.

He stared down at his son, who had just casually fallen asleep in his arms.

It was early in the morning, and the sun had begun to rise not too long ago, lighting up the skies with gorgeous pink and orange hues.

Despite popular belief that Dabi was the edge-lord to end all edge-lords, he'd always really enjoyed watching the sun rise, and had done it ever since he was little. It was calming to him, the one constant in his life.

And now that he had his son, he would spend most mornings sitting by the window of he and Hawks' apartment, cradling the baby the best he could as they watched the beautiful colors slowly stretch across the sky, signaling the coming of a new, fresh day.

However, this was the first time he had ever fallen asleep during it, and Dabi had absolutely no idea what to do.

Obviously he would die before he'd ever admit it, but his son asleep was honestly the most adorable thing he'd ever seen.

He breathed in sharply as he reached down to brush away a few strands of loose hair from his son's forehead, feeling the corners of his lips curve slightly upwards and a warmth flourish throughout him unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It made him want to laugh giddily, and maybe even hug someone. Maybe even hug Shigaraki.

Actually on second thought, nah. Nothing was that compelling.

Nevertheless, it was a completely peaceful moment, frozen in the tranquility and quiet of the early morning. And as Dabi held the sleeping blonde haired boy even closer to his chest, he knew he wouldn't have it any other way.


"Oh my god I think he's finally asleep." Dabi stared at the baby monitor with eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Really?" Hawks set his coffee down on the kitchen counter and walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around Dabi's waist and placing his chin comfortably on his shoulder.

"I hope."

The blonde caught a glance at the camera and smiled softly, "Isn't he cute when he sleeps?"

"He's always cute dipshit."

"I meant he's even cuter than normal when he sleeps, you dumbass."

"Yeah, yeah, I guess so," Dabi relented easily, distracted by the sight of their son clumsily rolling over onto his stomach.

He shook his head to suppress the soft smile that threatened to overtake his face and instead set the baby monitor down on the table, mind suddenly moving to different matters.

"So~" Dabi's expression turned suggestive as he twisted around to face Hawks, "What do you want to do while we have our temporary freedom?"

"Oh I can think of a few things~" Hawks murmured in response, leaning closer to Dabi with a seductive look.

He trailed his fingers slowly up the taller man's chest and his eyes flickered quickly to Dabi's lips.

Then all of a sudden he pulled away entirely. "Like the dishes, the laundry... oh! there's that show I wanted to watch-"

"I fucking hate you." Hawks turned back to Dabi with an irritatingly smug expression, and he was entirely unamused.

Seeing this, the blonde hesitated for a moment. Then his eyes lit up, dancing with mischief.

"Well I guess if you really want to, we could spare some time for... what was it you wanted again?" He feigned innocence, but couldn't hold back the ghost of a smirk that spread across his face.

Dabi glared at Hawks, but was already pulling him by the arm to their bedroom. "Fuck you."

"That's the plan~"


"I'll be back soon," Dabi said firmly as he grabbed his keys off the front table and reached for the door handle.


He hesitated before opening the door, then turned and shot one last stern glance at Hawks. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Aww, darling I would never," Hawks held a hand up to his chest in mock offense, earning a disbelieving look from Dabi.

"Yeah, never," He rolled his eyes and spun back around.

The door shut and Hawks was left alone in the apartment. Just him and his son.

He turned to face the boy in question, sporting a devious grin.

"Ok kid, your inferior dad's out right now, what do you want to do with the better one?" Hawks chuckled when the small boy only reached out a hand to grab at his nose.

"Ok that's not really an answer... but let's just pretend you said build a super cool blanket fort!" He grinned again and ruffled the kid's hair affectionately. What hair he had anyways.

Hawks stood up and immediately started for the closet where he knew the extra blankets were kept. "Ok, let's do this and do it well!"

One hour and an amount of frustration Hawks would rather not mention later, the super cool blanket fort was finally finished.

He stood outside, admiring his handiwork with pride. He had managed to turn the entire living room into an intricate fort made out of every blanket he could possibly find in the house.

Hawks smirked. Dabi was gonna be pissed.

"Alright kid I'm coming to find you! So let's hope you're actually in there and I didn't lose you because Dabi would end me~" Hawks crouched down and crawled carefully inside in search of his son, who had been in there somewhere for about the past twenty minutes.

He was at that weird age where he could crawl, but not walk or even stand, and that meant he would crawl everywhere.

'God this must be like heaven to him.' Hawks thought as he maneuvered expertly through the masses of multicolored blankets. Being a fit hero definitely had its advantages when it came to physical challenges like this, no doubt.

After what seemed like absolutely forever, Hawks finally spotted the mini blonde haired boy and breathed a small sigh of relief. He snuck up slowly behind him and grabbed him by the waist, spinning him around with a wide grin and making the boy giggle wildly.

"Caught you~" He started to tease, but froze when he heard a key start to turn in the lock.

A few seconds of tense silence went by, then Dabi's half shocked, half angry voice rang throughout the room. "What the actual fuck."

"Come in if you dare..." Hawks suddenly appeared at the entrance of the blanket fort with a grin. He held their son with one hand, and outstretched the other to Dabi, who sighed.

"Why did I marry you?"

"Because I am incredibly handsome and extremely charismatic, duh."

Dabi let out a sarcastic laugh and ran a hand through his hair, attempting to repress the smile that was creeping slowly across his face. "Sure, keep telling yourself that."

But he accepted the hand nonetheless.

A/N- this ship has too much angst and I don't like it >:(  also sorry if it bothers you the kid is just called 'kid' or 'son' the whole time, I couldn't think of a name ¯\_()_/¯

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