Kirishima x Deku

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A/N- Trying out POV's :-)

Deku's POV
This is it. Today's the day. The one I've been building up to for almost a year now. I walk over to my mirror and see a terrified face looking back at me, eyes crinkled in worry, hair ruffled, and mouth turned down into a frown.

'I cannot look like this when I confess to Kirishima,' I gulp.

"Deku! C'mon the movies about to start!" Kaminari bangs on the door causing me to jump nearly out of my skin.

"Uh y-yeah, coming!" I shout back, but take one last look in the mirror.

'Is this too casual?' I'm wearing regular black skinny jeans and a grey T-shirt.

"It's simple, but effective," Uraraka had said an hour earlier while at my dorm room, having insisted upon coming over and dressing me for the 'biggest moment of my romantic career'.

"Are you sure about this Uraraka?" I wasn't too confident in my boy wooing abilities.

"Totally! Deku his jaw is going to drop because you are just drop dead gorgeous," Uraraka winked at me, shooting finger guns and I laughed.

"How do you always manage to cheer me up?" She smiled brightly.

"Are you kidding?! That's part of my charm!"

I smile at the memory and shake my head. 'I really couldn't have asked for better friends huh?'

Kaminari bangs on the door once again and I jump.. once again.

"Ok... Jeez!" With one last silent pep talk, I open the door and make my way down to the common room.

Kirishima's POV
"Bakugouuuu come on, it'll be fun," I whine as said blond boy scoffs in disgust. We're in his dorm and I'm laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as he sits at his desk, trying to do homework but mostly just getting angry.

"No, I don't have time for your loser friends and their dumb movie night," I whine again and he stares at me unimpressed.

"They're your friends too," I reason. He turns back to his homework.

"You just wanna go so you can get handsy with the dumb broccoli nerd, I don't want to see that shit," He scowls and I feel my face heat up.

"Not.. entirely!" I say defensively and he laughs one of his rare laughs that always make me grin.

"Sure shitty hair, sure," He bends his head over his work again to hide his fond smile and I beam. Believe it or not, I used to have a crush on him back in first year. That is, until I noticed Deku's bright smile and soft hair and freckles that span out across his face like a galaxy of beautiful shining stars...

"You're day dreaming again aren't you? Holy fuck Kiri, you have a problem," Bakugou turns back to me and raises his eyebrows.

"Shut up!" I throw a pillow at him (I'm probably the only one who can do that and not get killed).

"Look, I'm heading down now, because the movies about to start and you're being a dumbass, so have fun with your homework explosion boy~" I give him an exaggerated sweet smile and he flips me off. I laugh and push the door open, still looking back at Bakugou when *CRASH*

I run straight into someone.

Me and the mystery person both topple over and hit the ground with a loud thud. I land on top of them, my hands on either side of their head and my knee in between their legs.

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