Todoroki x Deku

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Todoroki nodded at the nurse as he passed, sighing at her knowing sympathetic look.

Of course Midoriya was hurt again, why wouldn't he be?

Sometimes it all became too much for Todoroki, he just wanted to grab Midoriya in his arms and hold him tightly and never let him go.

But he knew that was irrational, so he made due with this.

Arriving at Midoriya's hospital room, he hesitated, worried about what he'd see inside.

He'd always hated seeing his boyfriend covered in bandages, hooked up to all sorts of machines. Every time it felt like a stab to the chest, though he'd never tell Midoriya that. The guilt would eat him alive.

Of course he knew Midoriya didn't ask to be hurt, he was only being himself, helping people, doing the right thing. That was why Todoroki fell in love with him in the first place.

Gaining some courage, Todoroki raised his hand and knocked, smiling softly upon hearing the boy's high pitched "Come in!"

He opened the door slowly and Midoriya's face lit up at the sight of him.

"Todoroki! I wasn't expecting you," He smiled brightly, tilting his head in confusion.

"I wanted to see you," Todoroki responded quietly, not really knowing what to do with himself or the butterflies in his stomach.

"Come on then silly, sit down," Midoriya gestured to the seat next to him, then winced in pain at the movement.

Todoroki frowned, but complied, taking a seat next to the hospital bed and tentatively reaching over to grasp Midoriya's hand, gently intertwining their fingers.

Immediately, Midoriya began to go on about how annoyed he was at all the school work he was missing, clearly trying to ease the awkward tension.

Todoroki was content to just sit and listen, giving the occasional nod or small smile to show he was still paying attention.

"...but Todoroki, are you okay?" Jolted out of his thoughts by Midoriya's soft but questioning voice, Todoroki realized he had zoned out a long time ago.

They made eye contact and Todoroki's heart fluttered anxiously knowing Midoriya could see right through him. It was unsettling, he didn't like vulnerability.

"I- what?" He cursed himself for stuttering.

Midoriya squeezed his hand, "I want to know if you're okay. I know this can't be easy on you, with me... you know..." He gestured to himself, and for the first time, Todoroki realized how hurt the boy actually was.

The fight had battered him, an extra tough villain he had to fight with no backup. He had a black eye and was covered in bruises. There was a cast on his left arm and Todoroki could see needles sticking in him, monitoring his vitals.

Looking quickly back at Midoriya, Todoroki saw the care and worry in his eyes as they analyzed him and without even thinking, he let his guard down.

"It hurts so much, Izuku..." Todoroki whispered. Tears threatened to well up in his eyes. He forced them down.

'I have to be strong right now.'

Midoriya carefully moved his hand up to cup Todoroki's cheek, "If you've taught me anything, it's that it's ok to cry Shoto."

Todoroki trembled under Midoriya's soft touch and worried gaze, "I should be comforting you. You're the one who's hurt."

Midoriya smiled sadly, something else unreadable in his eyes, "But I know this hurts you, don't think I don't see it in your eyes babe."

Quickly overcome with emotions he simply couldn't push down anymore, Todoroki brought their foreheads together, warm breath intermingling, and let the hot tears roll down his cheeks.

The feelings he'd been hiding away for years crashed into him like a tidal wave, and he collapsed into his boyfriends arms, a shaking, sobbing mess.

Midoriya hugged him close despite the pain, and whispered sweet reassurances in his ear. He knew he couldn't get rid of Todoroki's hurt, but he could sure as hell make him feel loved.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours, until Todoroki had long since stopped crying and just began to revel in the warmth of Midoriya's tight embrace.

Midoriya hummed, shifting to kiss his temple lovingly, and not for the first time, Todoroki wondered what he'd ever done to deserve someone so perfect.

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