Bakugou x Kirishima

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"Ugh... what time is it?" Kirishima groaned sleepily, cracking open an eye, which he quickly shut when hit straight in the face with a stray beam of sunlight coming through the window.

His hair was in his eyes, meaning it was down, and he moved his hand to brush it out of his face.

Sighing, he was about to reach for his phone when he felt something, or someone shift in his arms, snuggling close to his chest.

Now that he thought about it, he vaguely remembered Bakugou coming over to his room to tutor him last night, giving up, and falling asleep in his bed after a good few hours of confusion on Kirishima's part.

The redhead took one look, thought Bakugou looked much too peaceful to wake up, and had climbed into bed with him.

Currently, the blond had his head resting in the crook of Kirishima's neck and his arms wrapped tightly around Kirishima's waist.

Their legs were tangled together and Kirishima had one arm around Bakugou while the other was strewn carelessly over his pillow.

Bakugou's eyes were closed and he had a soft smile on his face. Kirishima had always found it amusing how calm he looked sleeping compared to the explosion he was while awake.

Kirishima shifted to make himself more comfortable and Bakugou stirred.

"Stop moving... idiot," Bakugou growled lowly, looking up with heavy eyelids, voice still laced with sleep.

Kirishima laughed quietly and kissed his boyfriend's temple, snaking his arms around the other's torso and closing his eyes again, sighing contently.

"You know I do have to get up soon, right?" He said after a while, and Bakugou huffed.

"For what? It's a Sunday," He trailed kisses down Kirishima's neck, pulling him impossibly closer, and said boy's heart almost exploded with affection.

He moved his hand up to cup Bakugou's cheek and the blond leaned into the touch, closing his eyes as the corners of his lips quirked upward.

Kirishima always adored when Bakugou would get cuddly like this, even if it rarely ever happened.

"I promised Midoriya I'd train with him today," Bakugou's grip on Kirishima's waist tightened at the mention of broccoli boi and he realized too late that it maybe wasn't the best thing to say.

"So I don't care then," Bakugou laughed sarcastically, pulling away slightly to look Kirishima in the eyes, "There's no way you're leaving me to hang out with that shitty nerd."

"Bakubabe... you care about me~" Kirishima's smile stretched into a grin.

"I already told you not to call me that," The other scowled, but still flushed pink, causing Kirishima to laugh softly.

"Awwww..... Bakubabe," He said again, grinning once more.

He put his fingers under Bakugou's chin and tilted it up slightly to peck him on the cheek before pulling away and getting out of bed.

Bakugou growled at the loss of warmth and angrily rolled over, latching onto Kirishima's pillow but surprisingly letting the real one go.

Now that Kirishima was free, he checked his phone quickly to see that it was 8:45.

Since he was supposed to meet Midoriya at 9:30, he showered, then threw on the first t shirt and pair of sweatpants he could find in his wardrobe.

After some careful contemplation in the bathroom mirror, he chose to leave his hair down as well, knowing it would go up with the use of his quirk in battle anyways.

Grabbing his phone off his nightstand, Kirishima took one last look at Bakugou, who seemed to be once more knocked out cold.

He leaned over to give his boyfriend a quick kiss on the forehead before he left, when suddenly he felt the blond grab the collar of his shirt and pull him forward.

"Wha.... Mmmph!"

Kirishima's lips smashed into Bakugou's, the latter of which was laughing into the kiss as Kirishima fell back into the bed.

"Jesus Christ Kiri, I didn't think you'd actually fall," Bakugou snorted when he finally pulled away, grinning widely as Kirishima lay there in slight shock.

Regaining his senses soon enough to catch Bakugou laughing, Kirishima couldn't help but smile sweetly.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you laugh, bakubabe," The redhead propped himself up on his elbow, examining his fingernails when the other eyed him suspiciously.

Bakugou licked his lips before pulling Kirishima into another kiss.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you shut up and kiss me, idiot."

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